Saturday, February 28, 2009

I was happy to learn that the weather was going to be conducive for a ride this morning. I started at Gasworks and did a Lake Washington South end loop. Got lots of time in my aerobars (need to continue to work on flexibility) and kept the pace steady. 45 miles is such a civilized distance and offers me the time and energy to actually enjoy the rest of my Saturday!

45.4 Mile Ride @ 03:00:00

Got in a lift today and even did my core work. I figured that I would work from the bottom up and started with legs, did core and finally upper :)

Weights @ 00:40:00


Trihardist said...

I love thinking of any bike distance as "civilized." As opposed to the barbaric distances.

What issues are you having with flexibility?

seujan said...
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