Saturday, September 17, 2005

Ruth and I rode the Black Diamond 1/2 Ironmance bike course today. The course consists of two 20 mile loops -- doing one twice. I needed to get in an over-distance ride in so I planned to ride each loop twice for a total of 80 miles. I changed my mind after riding up Mud Mountain and decided to only ride the flat half of that loop for a total of 70 miles to avoid being psyched out by how difficult that ascent would be on tired legs. Ruth pushed me hard up Mud Mountain and I stuck with her almost to the top. It got windy and I sure was tired by the end but I did it without a break (except for the short one so Ruth could shed her leg warmers).

72 Mile Ride @ 04:20:00 (16.1 MPH)
125a 164m

We stopped at Bonney Lake on our way home and I picked up two new pair of sneakers as mine are trashed. These sneakers will take me through the year of running -- the Seattle Half, Boston, etc.

Crap! I just checked my schedule and I was supposed to do a 20 minute run after the ride. Damn it.

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