Monday, November 30, 2009

Slept through swim practice but got in a lift during my lunch.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:0
Core @ 00:10:00

I did my tempo workout after work on the treadmill but soon realized that my body was super tired :(. I stuck with it but the tempo portion was HR only, not pace because I had to take it down to 8:45ish to make it through.

5 Mile Tempo Run @ 00:48:00

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I had a 22 mile run on my schedule for the day and planned a route starting at Gasworks that involved a loop of Lake Union with a 7 mile out and back on the Burke Gilman trail. Of course, if one pauses to actually DO the math (not like I did...), it only comes to 20 miles so I had to improvise and added a bit on the trail before turning around.

The good news is that I did not underestimate. The bad news is that I overshot the distance by 2 miles. I ended up running it at about a 9:10 pace because I thought I was only doing 22 and didn't want to lose time -- far more work than I really wanted to do!

24 Mile Run @ 03:40:00

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Swim practice was great, in that really hard kind of great! We had an aerobic set that was exactly that for my lane mates, but more of a sprint for me. However, I managed to hang on and make it through without having to take a rest! By the time it was over, I was spent and happy to be DONE for the day.

3800 Swim Practice @ 01:15:00

Friday, November 27, 2009

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration last night at a friend's house and over-indulged more than just a bit. Slept in this morning until 7 and headed into work for a short day.

On the way home, I went to the Roosevelt Track to get in a speed workout. First time on that track and I really loved it! The venue, NOT the workout. I made it through 6x800 (3:45, 3:39, 3:40, 3:37, 3:39, 3:34) and it wasn't pretty! I did remind myself that I was not recovered from both last night's festivities and this was my third day in a row of running.

4.5 Mile Interval Run @ 00:37:00

Got in a little bit of core at home before we headed to the gym for a rather unenthusiastic lift...

Core @ 00:10:00
Upper Weights @ 00:30:00

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Swim practice was CROWDED this morning and we had 8 people in our lane! The workout was really good but I made the mistake of trying paddles during the 20x50 pull set. I made it through 10 before my shoulders just had enough. Definitely need to work on my stroke technique!

3250 Swim Practice @ 01:15:00

We hosted a little "pool party" brunch after and got to catch up with friends a bit. I was feeling a bit anxious about not getting in 4 runs this week and after my food digested, I went for a hilly run around the neighborhood. Definitely did not break any speed records but it was an honest effort.

4.5 Hilly Run @ 00:42:20

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Didn't have time to get in a full 10 mile run before our evening plans with friends but did get in 8 and felt great!

8 Mile Run @ 01:15:00

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Yoga was great today! That was it :)

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

Monday, November 23, 2009

Was feeling a bit wiped during swim practice but made it through. Also got in a lift before the end of the day.

2500 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Core @ 00:10:00
Upper Weights @ 00:30:00

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Got in a nice soggy run in the rain this morning that included some of the Arboretum, Interlaken, Lake Union and along the waterfront.

18 Mile Run @ 03:00:00

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My choice to skip swimming all week definitely caught up with me this morning during Sat swim practice. Ended up getting out 15 minutes early and feeling super super tired :(

3500 Swim Practice @ 01:15:00

I had an illusion of going to the spin class I liked but gave it up rather quickly in favor of cleaning and resting for a fun afternoon and dinner with friends.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wimped out and did my tempo run on the treadmill this morning. Did a .75 WU, 4 miles at an 8:20 pace and then .25 CD.

Tempo Run @ 00:45:00

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I have not blogged in a very long time and I won't try to catch up at this point. Just a note that I was happy with my 10k Carkeek Trail Run finish on Sunday.

I have been dealing with a very stiff/sore neck and accompanying headache :( so this morning I skipped swimming (AGAIN this week...) and did a mini yoga DVD workout. It seems to have helped a little.

Yoga @ 00:30:00

After work, I tried the Boot Camp class at Seattle Fitness and got a proper butt whooping.

Boot Camp Class @ 01:15:00

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Enough procrastinating, no more excuses. I had a choice to either get in my 50k run or waste a taper week (minus yesterday's killer spin class...).

Ruth dropped me off at the Lake Sammamish trail in Issaquah and I ran to U Village. My goal was to do the 50k in 5 hours and I ended up going over by one minute...but was pretty damn proud of myself. Granted, it was a super flat route...but a 5 hour 50k is a bit aggressive for me at this point in my training.

I was definitely hurting by hour 4 and had to dig a bit deeper than I have for quite a while. When I did, I had this moment when I said to myself, "hey, I remember YOU". I really have not worked very hard lately...since training for IMCD actually and this week has me back to that place of pain (interval run, killer spin class and finally this run) yet deep satisfaction that I am no longer avoiding the hard stuff.

31.3 Mile Run @ 05:04:00 9:42 pace (did the 50k in 05:01:00)

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Last night, I was feeling a bit ambivalent about the 50k I was planning to run. Ruth had also done the thing I never do...planned ahead and looked at the race web site. Apparently I needed to let them know a couple of weeks ago that I was planning to run...oops. So I decided to let my need for sleep determine whether or not I was going to go. If I woke up early and was really raring to go, we would head out. Otherwise I would do my own 50k. I slept in until 8:00 (luxury!) and then looked at the weather report (thunderstorms!) ...and Wally in the tub...

I decided to postpone the run until it was a little less dangerous to be out and Ruth and I headed to 24 hour so I could get in my first spin class in a very long time. I had a terrific instructor and really worked my ass off :) Then we hit the town and did not get home until after 10:00 PM. Oh yeah, we're PARTY ANIMALS.

Spin Class @ 01:00:00

Friday, November 06, 2009

Had a good swim workout this morning.

2500 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Then Ruth and I went to the gym to get in a lift.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00

Thursday, November 05, 2009

I was planning to get in my usual 10ish mile run today but had the sense to look at the training plan Cheryl sent me and was happy to learn I only had 6, because I was tapering for my 50k this weekend.

6.4 Aerobic Run @ 01:02:00

I then went to Seattle Fitness to get in my lift but decided, at the last minute to join Heather's boot camp class for abs from hell. Ouch. Fortunately, Ruth was finished with her client partway through the class, and because she was my ride home, I happily left early :)

Core @ 00:15:00

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Had to leave swim practice a little early to catch a bus.

2000 Swim Practice @ 00:45:00

After work, I did the unthinkable and COMMUTED home on my single speed -- the one that has been sitting in the bike room at work for MONTHS. I pumped up the tires, put on the summer cycling clothing I still had stashed in my file cabinet (fortunately, I had a long sleeve workout shirt I could put on underneath) and headed home.

12 mile Bike Commute @ 01:00:00

Monday, November 02, 2009

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

I got in my first speed workout in a very long time after work on the treadmill. After the first 800, I really thought I was going to DIE but toughed it through to get 4 of them in at a 7:30 pace.

4 Mile Interval Run @ 00:40:00

Sunday, November 01, 2009

2700 Swim Practice@ 01:00:00