Tuesday, July 31, 2007

This morning, I got my bike interval workout in before work. The plan was to ride hard for 3 minutes taking my HR to 150 and then recovering until it dropped to 120 -- 6 times.

17 Mile Bike @ 01:10:00

Interval 1
143a, 152m

Interval 2
144a, 152m

Interval 3
145a, 155m

Interval 4
143a, 155m

Interval 5
145a, 154m

Interval 6
146a, 153m


3 x 15 Pull Down @ 67.5
3 x 15 Row @ 67.5
3 x 15 Triceps @ 45
3 x 10 Biceps @ 15

5 x 15 Crunch on Ball
3 x 15 Back on Ball

Monday, July 30, 2007

Planned a swim, run (hill repeat) and bike commute day and made it as far as the swim.

2500 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

Then I proceeded to get my butt kicked quite solidly at work and when Ruth offered a scoop, I took her up on it AND we went out for drinks and burgers with a friend and had a wonderful relaxing evening.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

I got the confidence booster I needed today. Ruth came up with a really good route and we drove to Logboom at 9 AM to stage our ride. On the way there, I was really quiet and not at all looking forward to the ride nor feeling confident about my ability to finish it.

The other day, I had a realization about nutrition. When talking with Ruth, I realized that I had done IM New Zealand with far less training and the only reason I was successful was because I made it my "nutrition" race. So this morning, I set my watch so on 14 minute intervals with a minute recovery that was to be my nutrition window and stuck to that plan.

We started at Logboom to Marymoore, then around Lake Sammamish and did the 50 mile Tour de Cure route with an extra out and back at Snohomish. I was very good about my nutrition and got in some nice distance in my aerobars. I kept up with Ruth easily and we took turns pulling each other at times. When we hit Marymoore, I forced myself to eat the last half of my second powerbar and almost gagged with the last bite but was able to get it down by promising myself that I would not have to eat another one this ride.

We finished the last bit of the trail really strong and I volunteered to rack the bikes so Ruth could have a really fast transition (really, so I could rest longer...). It took me some time to get mine on the rack and locked but eventually I ran out of things to do and had to go for my run.

I was thrilled to finish feeling so strong and feel ready for the race for the first time.

115 Mile Ride @ 07:15:00

2 Mile Run @ 00:20:00

Friday, July 27, 2007

Got to see a nice sunrise on the lake this morning during our swim. It was un-eventful and I kept it at an easy pace. I did realize during the swim that I was not one bit excited about the Ironman Race in a month and I am still trying to figure out what that is about.

1.2 Mile Swim @ 00:40:00

Got in a quick weight session in the afternoon.

3 x 15 Pull Down @ 67.5
3 x 15 Row @ 67.5
3 x 15 Triceps @ 45
2 x 10, 1 x 8 Biceps @ 15

3 x 1 min Plank with Rotation
3 x 15 Back

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ran to work from home this morning and had a very sleepy start at 5:30 AM. Got a little lost in Ballard when I crossed the wrong bridge first and could not find the trail but ended up just making it on time for my 8 AM meeting. Did it at a 9 minute run/1 minute walk pace.

13.5 Mile Run @ 02:14:31
145a, 186m

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Swam with a new person in the lane this morning who asked a lot of questions about the sets. Between that and having to open up the pool, I did not get in a lot of yardage. Probably a good thing after the last couple of days.

2150 Swim Practice @ 00:50:00

Then commuted to work on the Hindenburg from the pool and then to my appointment on the hill and finally home after work. Number below is a guess of it all combined.

15 Mile Commute @ 01:15:00

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Slept in this morning and got in a quick weight session at lunch.

3 x 15 Pull Down @ 67.5
3 x 15 Row @ 67.5
3 x 15 Triceps @ 45
2 x 10, 1 x 8 Biceps @ 15

5 x 15 Crunch on Ball
3 x 15 Back on Ball

Then met Ruth after work for some hill repeats. My legs were sore and I was tired but managed to get in 4 after riding to Madrona from work.

15 Mile Bike Ride @ 01:15:00

Interval 1 @ 05:52
139a, 152m

Interval 2 @05:54
140a, 153m

Interval 4 @ 05:51
142a, 157m

Interval 5 @ 05:48
138a, 158m

Monday, July 23, 2007

Had a nice easy swim this morning with the lane completely to myself.

2600 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

And that was a good thing because the Interval Run workout HURT. A lot. After work, I went to the same track Ruth used that morning. Aside from dodging cheerleaders who kept taking over all the lanes (I did have a chat with their coach about etiquette and she herded them to one side, but they kept on drifting) and feeling like I was standing still running next to some guys who were doing real sprints, I was able to run fairly un-disturbed.

And that was good because it took A LOT Of self-talking! I just felt so slow and just could not let go of how pokey I had gotten. Mind you, this was my first interval run in months but for some reason, I could not let it go. The good news is that I ran the entire thing in Lane 6 so that actually added about 20 yards per lap so I was actually running faster than I thought.

5 Mile Interval Run @ 00:53:52

1 Lap @ 01:58
154a, 163m

2 Laps @ 03:54
154a, 168m

3 Laps @ 05:58
161a, 171m

4 Laps @ 07:49
162a, 176m

3 Laps @ 05:52
160a, 180m

2 Laps @ 03:52
164a, 195m

1 Lap @ 01:52
15a, 171m

3 x 1 Min Plank with Rotation

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Yesterday was my "Saturday" and I decided to sleep in instead of going to the lake for a swim. With my new schedule, I don't get real sleep in day anymore. I planned to go for an aerobic ride once the rain stopped and maybe a swim at Coleman pool at noon. The rain continued and I finally just made peace with being a big ole couch potato.

Instead of braving the rain today, I did the long ride on the rollers. My plan was a 10 mile WU, 15 mile Time Trial, 10 Minute Recovery, 15 Mile Time Trial, 10 Mile Recovery. I sure do hope that the miles on rollers really are two for one because I could not make past 51 miles. It is also humbling to ride those damn rollers because I can barely manage 15 mph working my butt off on them. In the beginning, I was really worried because if felt super hard but then realized that the magnet had slipped and I was riding with some resistance. Someday I hope to be able to be strong enough to handle that resistance but for now, "0" is enough...

51 Mile Ride @ 03:45:00
137a, 159m

1st 15 Mile Time Trial @ 00:58:14
145a, 156m

2nd 15 Mile Time Trial @ 00:59:36
146a, 159m

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Had a really good long run today. Did an out and back from where we are house-sitting in West Seattle and got to run along the water almost the entre time.

Set my watch for a 9 minute run and 1 minute walk and alternated drinking Gatorade and a water/block combo every 10 minutes. I was pretty happy with the run -- stuck to the plan and felt strong the entire time. Even ran the last mile that was entirely uphill. I had mapped out a 19 mile route but I think I added a bit extra by running right along the beach at Lincoln Park rather than taking the road.

19+ Mile Run @ 3:11:54

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Great swim with Leonore this morning! The rest of my day is packed so this was my only workout.

2700 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Got in a quick weight session at lunch.

3 x 15 Pull Down @ 67.5
3 x 15 Row @ 67.5
3 x 15 Triceps @ 45
2 x 10, 1 x 8 Biceps @ 15

5 x 15 Crunch on Ball
3 x 15 Back on Ball

Then went for a ride after work around the South end of the lake. Of course, I did not eat enough :( (1 bottle of nuun and one bite of powerbar...)

39.5 Mile Ride @ 02:45:00

Monday, July 16, 2007

Went to swim team practice and was pretty excited to be back with my team! I sure missed everyone and need to not compromise that time and connection ever again. Attendance was light and I got a lane to myself. Had a good workout and pushed myself a bit more than I usually do.

2700 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Usual crazy Monday at work! Went to the house during lunch to let the dogs out and ended up staying late at work. But I did get in a nice short run along Alki after work.

3.5ish Mile Run @ 00:31:41

3 x 1 Min Plank with rotation

Saturday, July 14, 2007

We are house-sitting for our friend and her two dogs so last night was the first in her home. We got up early to be at the Fat Salmon Swim site at 6 AM to help out as volunteers. The dogs thought we were nuts and could not believe that they were being awoken at a very un-cool hour.

I had no goal time for the race and just planned to swim it paying the most attention to my sighting and body rotation. The conditions were beautiful and sunny and as usual, it was a longer swim than I anticipated (even though I should know better -- I think this is the fourth time doing this).

3.1 Mile Swim @ 01:50:56

Spent the rest of the day relaxing!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Had a nice bike commute into work -- actually worked it a bit and felt good. But by the end of the day, I was feeling pretty tired and convinced Ruth to scoop me.

12 Mile Commute @ 00:50:00

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I have been lucky enough to swap hours with a teammate so my start time is now a more reasonable 8 AM. Now I can get in a workout before work without having to get up at 4ish AM. This morning, I ran from work down the waterfront knowing that it might be a half to hour run depending on how I felt. The first two miles were HARD and my body felt rusty. But after I warmed up a bit, it started to feel better and I ended up getting in a 7ish mile run -- and even negative split it!

7 Mile Run @ 01:08:54
141a, 149m

Out @ 00:35:00
138a, 146m

Back @ 00:33:53
144a, 149m

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Had a very nice leisurely AM swim in the lake before heading back home. Definitely tired but enjoyed the scenery -- perhaps too much :)...

1 Mile Swim @ 00:40:00

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

WARNING: The contents of this post may contain coarse language and describe scenes not appropriate for anyone who has signed up for IM Canada or is thinking about signing up for IM Canada without either a triple, compact, electric or mental assist.

This morning, Ruth went out and brought us back some Starbucks and we had a nice breakfast at the hotel. Our directive was to ride the Ironman Canada course two days after racing the Desert Half Iron. Note how this was a directive, not an idea either Ruth or I had but for some reason, we decided to follow it...

We were on the bikes by 7:30 AM and had a lovely ride to Osoyoos boosted by a delightful tail wind and very pleasant temperatures. Then we made the mistake of turning right up "The Richter". There the wind turned and stayed firmly in our faces for the remainder of the ride accompanied by an unrelenting sun and only the occasional faintest tissue whisper of clouds.

This descent down "TR" was much better than the race because I left the Zipp wheels in the hotel room. I was okay with the slow grind -- both up and down and did a lot of self-talk throughout the descents. Ruth dropped me pretty quickly happily flying down any descents. She did make the mistake though of turning around to check on me and that unfortunately, is a trigger for me and my tude completely dropped. I was back on the race course that had kicked my ass so badly two days ago -- and it was doing so again and I was not a gracious cycling companion nor a nice girlfriend. This was not helped by the wicked headwind we were grinding through and the fact that I did not get enough to drink.

We turned into the first fruit stand in Cawston and refilled on water. By that point, I was really out of it and just sat there ignoring Ruth telling me to eat something. I finally did eat a PB & J and we also split a pint of cherries. I then gave Ruth the half of my powerbar that I had not eaten because I had another one in my bento bag. I did re-adjust my tude and decided that I probably would not leave Ruth, Triathlons or Seattle anytime soon to escape to a life that did not include riding Ironman courses during a "vacation".

From that point on, I pretty much had the worst GD F^%$&*ing ride of my life. Ever. The headwind and temperatures were unrelenting and no incline or descent was unaccompanied by varying degrees of headwinds. At one point we were climbing up to Yellow Lake at an 8% grade and were pummeled by a headwind the entire time. My HR hit 163 and the expletives we both let loose did nothing to help us up the hills. And the descents were not much better -- at one point we were "descending" a -2% grade and could not get our speed past 13 mph. Both of us agreed that this was the very very very worst idea Cheryl has ever had and took her name in vain more than once...

We finally limped back into town and I was losing it again. I had not eaten since the fruit stand (I just CAN'T in this heat) but did drink almost another bottle of Nuun.

We hit the hotel room, changed into swim suits and then jumped into the pool. For some reason, I got super chilled in the pool and my teeth started chattering and I could not think right... But I got out, wrapped in towels and drank some sweetened iced tea and got back to normal.

97 Mile Ride @ 07:00:00
Attitude = D-
Nutrition = D-

Monday, July 09, 2007

Desert Half Iron 2007 Race Report

In summary, this race was not my race and I did the best I could with the tools I had. Ruth, on the other hand kicked some serious ASS and I am SO PROUD OF HER! She will report on that shortly.

The best part about the race was the swim and it went downhill (and uphill) from there... I supposed that is to be expected for a race with the word "Desert" in the title and billed as Canada's toughest triathlon. As well as the 2007 Long Distance Triathlon National Championships (that explains why 99% of the participants were uber buff).

SWIM 41:14 (137a, 150m) but my actual swim time was 36:56
Went in two waves with two minutes between them. I thought I had enough time to put on my wetsuit and get in the water to pee but all of a sudden everyone was getting kicked out and I did not have time. Had a good swim and learned how to pee while swimming and considered that a bit of a victory. Did not like having to get out of the water and run on the beach after the first loop but it went quickly. On my way to T1, I dropped my swim cap twice and retrieved it once and left it the second time.

BIKE 04:08:06 (143a, 167m) 13.5 mph
I knew going in that this was NOT my kind of bike course. I am not a good climber (getting better but not good yet), was using my new crank set and was testing my Zipp wheels for this race to see if I would use them for IM Canada. It started out climbing and for the first 8ish miles, I felt good even though it was all a slow grinding climb. The side winds started up and caught on the deep rims of my wheels blowing me more than I was comfortable. During the first descent down Richter Pass, I was SO SCARED. I am not a good descender and now I was descending on wheels I did not trust or feel comfortable riding. Despite making myself breathe and doing a lot of self-talk, I finished the descent terrified and very very tense. The winds continued and I just did not feel safe enough to ride in my aerobars. At every rest stop, I added more water to my water bottle and nuun and met my goal of eating a powerbar before the turn around point.

Right after the turn around, I heard (for the millionth time) "on your left" and was passed by a bright orange jersey -- it was Jeff and he was kicking my ass! I was so happy for him and told him to go for it. Had a nice tailwind for a bit and relished it and then started to climb again. I was fine climbing even though I was slow. It was the descending that was the worst. My bike just wiggled under me the entire time and I did not want to go as fast as my body weight was taking me so I would apply the brakes -- unfortunately they were not aligned correctly and it was like braking with a corrugated surface and that made me even more tense. I knew that I was going to be near the end of the pack and made peace with the fact that this was not going to be my best race. I resolved myself to finishing the race but not killing myself to do so and to support Ruth and Jeff as much as possible on the course. Near the end of the bike, I had a fantasy of kneeling on the dismount line and kissing the ground and even though I restrained myself from doing so, I did express my delight to the volunteers to be off my bike.

RUN 02:27:50 (152a, 163m)
Usually the run is where I can regain things a bit but not today in the heat. I saw Ruth coming back from a turn-around when I was heading out and told her how proud I was of her. I drank water and Gatorade and grabbed ice and sponges at every station. I kept seeing my HR soar and tried to keep it down but was unsuccessful. Because we had plans to ride the Ironman course in 2 days and because I was already so far behind, I did not push myself on the run and took a lot of walking breaks. I got to see Ruth and Jeff a lot on the course and was able to high-five and encourage them. And finally it was over :)

07:17:47 Overall Finish (145a, 167m)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

07 Desert Half Ironman Race Plan

Race Eve
Today is about hydrating, breathing and relaxing.

The town is going to fill up with athletes of all shapes and sizes. I will NOT obsess about how different I look than the super buff looking ones strutting around drinking grass and pebble shakes out of blender pitchers during breakfast. I will take a deep breath and remind myself as many times as it takes that "I Belong Here". I have been consistent about training despite all the challenges of taking on a new job and have the fitness and mental strength needed for this race.

Drink a minimum of two liters of water today sipping from the bottle throughout the day. No booze until tomorrow.

Control breathing first and thoughts will follow. Take every opportunity to stretch and breathe through the day. Stretch with Ruth tonight and apply sunscreen.

Race Morning
Drink coffee, water and eat a bagel 1.5-2 hours before race start. Re-apply sunscreen and stretch in the hotel room. Bodyglide everything :)

Position myself to the outside and at the end of the fast half of the pack. Work hard on rotating hips and bi-lateral breathing. Follow through with long arms. Most importantly, sight every 3-5 strokes because that has been the biggest time waster of all for me on other swims. Use the first loop as an aerobic scouting loop and take it up a notch and negative split the second.

"I am a swimmer, mighty mighty swimmer"

Stay in my bubble and don't look around at everyone else racing to go through this. Make sure I have everything and then jog out of the area with the bike. Accept any offers of sunscreen and water.

Know that this is going to be challenging especially because it is not my ideal course with all the climbing and descending. Race my own race. When I get passed, visualize the energy from their pedal stroke behind them and absorb it for my race. Keep breathing climbing and especially when descending. Eat a power bar and drink half my nuun and shake during the first half and finish it all on the way back.

Get in aero-bars when feasible and keep shifting to optimize ride.

"I am a cyclist, mighty mighty cyclist"

Rack bike and put on shoes efficiently and quickly without rushing. Put on race belt with water and gatorade bottles. Dump a cup of water on my head and accept any offers of sunscreen.

Here's where I can realize the most success if I keep my pace steady and strong. This is a double loop with four Greenlake sized sections. Drink every 10 minutes alternating between water and aid. During the second loop, take a clif block when taking a sip of water.

"I am a runner, mighty mighty runner"

Post Race
Regardless of finish time, know that I raced steady, smart and strong. Congratulate Ruth for kicking ass on her first Half Ironman :)
We had a very pleasant drive North yesterday in our air conditioned car while watching the temperature rise on the thermometer - at one point hitting 103! YIKES. Went out for a nice dinner and even ate outside to help get acclimated to this damn heat.

I feel so disconnected from this race -- this is the most disconnected I have ever been from a race! I plan to spend part of today working on my race plan and getting my head where it belongs. On vacation and in a Half Ironman.

Of course yesterday while we were waiting in the lobby a guy came up to Ruth and chatted her up with something like "You look like are going to pick up a race packet". Grrr. I was standing right there. Of course that is a trigger for me and made me feel like I do not belong here. HATE THAT. Ruth said that it was fine, I will just dust him at the end. So I am working on letting that go even though I have yet to be successful 12+ hours later...

More later...

Friday, July 06, 2007

This morning started with early wake up and when Ruth mentioned it was the first day of our vacation, I asked when it would start because a 5:10 wake up does not necessarily indicate vacation for me. She said it will start at Essential Bakery with coffee and toast AFTER our swim.

Had a really good swim -- wetsuit is beginning to finally stretch to accommodate me horizontally... And a really conversations and toast/coffee with the gang. I (heart) Fridays in the lake!

1.2 Mile Open Water Swim @ 00:45:00

3 x 1 min Plank
I was planning a lift in the afternoon and interval run after work but last night's activities resulted in a headache most of the day. I did get in my weenie weight session but noticed while lifting that I smelled like a big martini :(

3 x 15 Pull Down @ 67.5
3 x 15 Row @ 67.5
3 x 15 Triceps @ 45
2 x 10, 1 x 8 Biceps @ 15

5 x 15 Crunch on Ball
3 x 15 Back on Ball

I bagged the run after work and instead went to pick up my car from being serviced ($1,200 later) and then we went to get our bikes that were tuned up ($500 later) and finally back home to an 8:20 bedtime.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A holiday for most, a work day for me. Rode the Hindenburg into work this morning and will then ride it to West Seattle for a 4th of July BBQ.

12 Mile Commute @ 00:50:00

Ended up getting a scoop from Ruth to West Seattle and went to a fun party where I was a bit overserved.... :) But at least I was relaxed for the first time in a while!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I was having a tough time on Monday night trying to figure out how to juggle my training, work, appointment and time with the kid. I needed to get in both a swim and bike but had no time in my schedule to do both so I decided to do a swim/bike interval brick in the morning and get to work a little late. Here was my schedule for the day:

4:40 Wake Up
5:00 2250 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

6:15 Bike Interval Workout on Rollers
10 Min WU
5 x 3 min hard, 2 min recovery
10 Min CD

7:45 Work
3:40 Appointment @ Capital Hill
4:50 Meet Ruth and drive to West Seattle to pick up Janarah
5:30 At Key Arena for Storm Basketball Game
9:00 Back to West Seattle to Target to get basketball shorts for Janarah
10:30 Finally home!!!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Got in my usual weenie weight session in during lunch.

3 x 15 Pull Down @ 67.5
3 x 15 Row @ 67.5
3 x 15 Triceps @ 45
3 x 10 Biceps @ 15

5 x 15 Crunch on Ball
3 x 15 Back on Ball

Went for a run around Greenlake after work. Legs still tired and was happy to only have to do 3 miles :)

3.1 Mile Run @ 00:29:13
140a, 154m