Friday, November 30, 2007

Had a good core class today and then went for a nice run from work on the trail along the water to the "Happy Hooker" and back.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

5.5 Mile Run @ 00:50:00

Sunday, November 25, 2007

This morning was the Seattle Half Marathon and I was not certain if I would even run it given that this week has been very difficult. Still a bit woozy from the "Simply Sleep" sleeping pills I had taken the night before (and the 2 nights before that to help me fall asleep), I drove down to the Mercer Arena (following the directions I wrote out the night before, yes, I KNOW I have lived in this city for 7 years and should know my way).

I got there early enough to score a parking spot a mere 4 blocks away from the start line (reminding myself that I parked near power thingees and the names of the street start with T) and headed into the race. Went to the start line with Stacey and Ruth and off we went with my just wanting to try to finish under 2 hours.

I took the pace easy and just let my body dictate how fast I ran at the moment. My quads felt weak and my muscles were just little jiggly rubber bands. While my speed was not there, I was able to take the hills pretty well -- probably a combination of the 5 lbs I lost in the last few days and not wearing my usual water belt that adds a few extra pounds. I did have a bit of a realization during the run because I just did not have it in me to race that all races cannot be a PR. Initially, I hoped to beat my PR from a few years ago, but there was no way I was in the space to do that. Sometimes, a race is just an event and the goal is to experience, not push to the maximum and that can be enough. I knew that this was going to be a different kind of race when I did not even care to pass people wearing pink shirts...

So I finished with a 1:55 clock time and I believe about a 1:52 chip time.

Then we went out to "Blunch" and I had 2 Bloody Mary's. The perfect recovery drink :)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Got in a very soggy long recovery run. We ran from Greenlake through Ravenna through the Arboretum to Madison and back. It dumped the entire time and even though the conditions were absolutely miserable and we spent way too much time ducking puddles and Husky fans, I had a smile on my face throughout.

10 Mile Run @ 01:40:00

Friday, November 16, 2007

Skipped swim practice and tried (unsuccessfully) to sleep in and ended up catching an early bus into work.

Went for a very easy run at lunch and felt good.

4 Mile Run @ 00:38:00

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Today was a great swim practice day. Adele, my new favorite lane mate swam and was feeling really tired so even though she did blow me away per the usual, she at least did not lap me on the 400's. We also had a great 500 kick set in honor of a team member's birthday :)

2500 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

Went to spin class with the goal of taking it at my pace. By the end, I was very tired and had pretty much nothing left.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00

Also got in a quick set of crunches

2 x 15 Crunch with weight @ 00:02:00

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Got in a lift and core class this morning before work.

Core Class @ 30 Minutes
Upper Lift @ 30 Minutes

In the afternoon, I did an interval run workout on the treadmill. I planned the following ladder:
2 x .25 (@ 1:45)
2 x .5 (@ 3:30)
1 x 1 (@ 7:15)
2 x .5 (@ 3:30)
2 x .25 (@ 1:45)

However, once I hit the second set of .5's, my legs and lungs were toast so I only did one .5 and one .25 at the end.

5.75 Mile Interval Run @ 00:52:00

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Got to swim with one of my favorite lane mates today. She is fast and pretty much blows me away after the first 25 but it is fun to try to keep up with her. Not sure why she still slums it in my lane but I will take the motivation when I can.

2700 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

Then went to spin class and I decided I officially like it. I was able to push it a bit more because of my shorter run the day before so I went for it.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00

Monday, November 12, 2007

I made the decision last night to take the day off and use a sick day to recover a bit. But after a good night's sleep, I decided to just go in late instead. Got in a short run along the piers and managed to not get blown into the water.

3 Mile Run @ 00:28:00

Got in a lift after work too.

Core @ 00:05:00
Upper Weights @ 00:30:00

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Had a family birthday party last night (this is three down, one to go) and we got in a bit late after hanging with Ruth's mom and Rolf for our nightly night cap and conversation.

But at 7 AM, we went to the pool -- easy to get to because of course, Ruth had figured out where it was and had a map to it. I was definitely tired and my goggles broke twice :( But I got in a swim before heading in for the family brunch and finally on the plane back home (sweet home).

1750 Lap Swim @ 00:45:00

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Went to a memorial service in the morning and after lunch, we went to Forest Park for our long run. I had 15 miles on the plan to run and a loop of the park was 5.5 so I figured that I should do 3 loops. My first lap was not so good. I started out discouraged because I had to struggle a bit to fasten my water bottle pack around my waist and started the first lap berating myself for my weight gain. I also had pretty bad cramps so it was a miserable first three miles but then I got warmed up and got back a bit mentally. The temperature was warm but it felt much colder as the winds continued to pick up. It was also not super hilly but not as flat as the map looked like it would be.

I started the second one and figured that it would probably be my last and would be okay with that. But when I hit the third, I was feeling strong and decided to go for it.

When it was all done, I realized my pace was pretty good and was glad I got in the long run.

16.5 Mile Run @ 02:32:00

Friday, November 09, 2007

Got up early this morning to catch a 6 AM flight to St. Louis. Got in around 5 but did not get in a workout because we went to a family open house.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Had to be at the Tacoma Starbucks early this morning (got to tour with a District Manager to see the holiday transformation) so I missed swim practice. Well worth it -- extremely instructive visit!

Then after coming home and working for a bit, I finally dragged myself out the door for a run from here to and around Greenlake and back. Felt good once I did it and I was glad because I probably will not get in a run during our travel day tomorrow.

5.5 Mile Run @ 00:51:13

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Got in an abbreviated lift and core class this morning but managed to make most of my muscles hurt. We did this thing in core where she said all we had to do was "move our ribcage to our elbow" without moving any other part of our body. I just never quite got it and it (and the fully mirrored wall) merely confirmed that I have the flexibility and build of a Lego.

20 Minute Upper Weights
20 Minute Core Class

Then got in an aerobic run from work to the West Seattle bridge and back.

3.7 Mile Run @ 00:35:00

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Had a good swim practice after a rather stupid set of 75 IM kick/drill/pull/swim crap.

2400 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

Then tried out the spin class at my new gym and it was a fairly decent workout. I did not push it terribly hard because my legs are still recovering.

Spin Practice @ 00:50:00

Monday, November 05, 2007

This morning's core class focused lower abs and hip flexors and I learned how very weak they are :(

Core Class @ 30 Minutes

This afternoon, I got in a tempo run along the waterfront. After repeatedly trying to measure the distance using online maps, I just decided to run hard (150 HR and above) for 40 minutes and call it good. I was also feeling a bit tired and gave myself permission to turn it into an aerobic run if I did not feel better after warming up into the run.

But I rallied and made it through. It felt hard and I am still feeling it in my lungs (a bit raw) but am pleased I could hold the HR and pace for that long.

7 Mile Tempo Run @ 00:58:33

WU @ 14:53
132a, 140m

Tempo @ 40:09
156a, 185m, 162e

CD @ 03:30

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Rest day today but got in a lift before Monday's insanity.

Core @ 10 Minutes
Upper Weights @ 35 Minutes

Saturday, November 03, 2007

I have now been in my new job for 2 weeks and am definitely experiencing some stress that (as is the usual for me) is taken out of my body. Love the new job but my learning curve is super steep. I read somewhere that starting a new job is like drinking from a fire hose and I sure am experiencing it. Almost everything is new (people, processes, IT systems and issues, etc.) and I am trying to learn them as quickly as possible.

I have been very tired this week and dragged myself through a couple of workouts -- and even opted out of doing one to try to get some rest. On Friday, I fell asleep at 7:30 PM and got in a solid 11 hours. It felt great!

So this morning, I had my long run and Ruth dropped me off at UW and I ran from there up the Arboretum to and around Seward Park and back to Leschi where she had parked and staged her run. Felt good the first hour but started to drag a bit the second and then really dragged the last 20 minutes. It was nutrition, I barely had a few sips of energy drink and need to wrap my brain back around drinking and eating for distance. It just does not seem that long to me and I tend to let it go. Lesson learned (again).

14 Mile Run @ 02:20:00