Friday, October 31, 2008

Got in a lift and core class this morning.

Upper Weights @ 00:35:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Last night, I worked on stretching my hamstrings and came awfully close to touching my toes with straight knees. This morning, when I leaned over to tie my running shoes, I realized I was doing it almost straight-legged as opposed to the way I have had to do it for years by bending my knees. I am so excited about this!!!

Katie picked me up at 5:15 AM and we drove to 35th to run 70th and 65th. I was pretty sleepy and a bit whiny but fortunately, Katie didn't care and still harassed/coached me on form.

6 Mile Hill Run @ 01:00:00

That's it for today because I have happy hour plans after work with my very favorite peeps from Starbucks and Seattle Fitness :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Had a good core class this morning and spent the rest of the day running around from meeting to meeting.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Got in a nice easy aerobic run after I got home from work. I did my North loop and worked on keeping it loose and easy running downhill.

5.5 Mile Run @ 00:55:00

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Didn't get to bed until 11 last night so Wally was not happy with the 4:45 AM wake up alarm. I did catch the bus to go to Yoga and even though there were some definite moments when my hamstring hurt a lot, some of it felt really good to stretch out. I was tired a couple of times and had to go to child's pose rather than downward dog (or, in my case downward frog)

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

Got in my speed run from headquarters to West Seattle and back. Fortunately, the 1/4 mile markers had fresh paint so I was able to keep track of my pace and maintained a sub 8 minute mile for the 4 miles of the 6 I was able to track.

8 Mile Speed Run @ 01:08:30

Monday, October 27, 2008

Went to core class this morning and will plan to lift near home this evening.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Got in a lift at 24 near my house. It was pretty crowded at 6ish PM but I still managed to get everything in.

Upper Weights @ 00:40:00

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I sure am loving this recovery weekend. I met the gang at Magnuson this morning at 8:00 for a lovely 7 mile run. Even though the route was hilly and start was cold and windy, I had a great run! Got to catch up with Jeff over coffee afterwards and got my grocery shopping done for the week.

I forgot to re-set my watch so I am not sure of my exact time. I did hold a 9:15 pace going up a hill so I figure I was about 9:30 average.

7 Mile Run @ 01:06:30

Went to yoga class but I must admit I was not very focused. I was too hungry and kept watching the clock.

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thank goodness it is the weekend! I started my new job on Monday and have come home every day with a very full brain. I am super busy now at work but really love this newest challenge!

It was a beautiful day to get in a run/hike on this "recovery" weekend and that means I only had to run 10 miles today. We drove to Mt Si and after catching up with my sister on the phone (who needs lots of support right now, feel free to throw extra good energy into any wind blowing towards Pennsylvania), Jen dropped my off 2 miles from the trail head. I ran/hiked up the mountain and really did not push it too hard. I worked on my form running back and did start to get a bit tired near the end. I am glad I was only planning to do it once today!

10 Mile Hike/Run @ 02:36:00

Catching up with my friend, Amy tonight and we are headed to dinner and a movie she found at the film festival at 7. I think it is Steam but I am not sure yet. All right, better shower so I don't clear the theater :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

After going to bed at 8:30 my third night in a row, I was awake enough to finally make it for swim practice. My first one in October -- and that explains why I was really dragging...

1600 Swim Practice @ 00:45:00

I did leave about 15 minutes early to give myself a bit more time to get organized for the day and make it into core class.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Yesterday, Wally peer pressured me to stay home horizontal with him on the couch drinking cheap wine and eating Apple Jacks while watching Law and Order re-runs so I missed my 4 mile easy run.

I did make up for it today though and perhaps it will be a lesson to me to not let Wally peer pressure me next time because my second run HURT.

I picked Katie up at 5:15 and we drove to the GL track and ran up 50th and then did hill repeats up and down Fremont. It was a good workout, and Katie is always great company.

6 Mile Hill Run @ 01:02:00

I then set out for an easy run during lunch and I was pretty much tired and slow the entire time :(

4 Mile Easy Run @ 00:40:00

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Got in a nice lift this morning followed by core class. Will do my easy run after work.

Upper Weights @ 00:40:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I took a badly needed day completely off from any form of training yesterday and it sure did help. I was feeling really exhausted and sore on Sunday after the run and barely dragged myself through my chores. I even skipped Yoga because the thought of it just made me so exhausted.

I slept in on Monday morning and Jen was a champ and took me directly to work. It was so odd to be dropped off at the door with just a purse and to walk in wearing my work clothes instead of schlepping from the gym/bus with wet hair loaded down with all sorts of workout stuff. I almost felt normal.

I stayed close to home after work yesterday to finish recharging and was able to get through the laundry before Wally and I finally hit the sack. He was pretty tired because he was yelling at me all evening to let him out into the hall to play with his new best friend -- an artificial Christmas tree my neighbors are storing in their hallway...

Yoga class was good, although challenging today but the instructor assured me that three years ago, she could not touch her toes although she is made out of pretzel dough now...

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

Managed to get in a run along Lake Washington. Because I was pressed for time, I set my watch for a 5 minute WU and then 6 intervals of 8 minutes hard and three minutes easy jog. Managed to get it all in and a couple of the intervals were on the gravel path so it was kinda like trail running. I sure did not have enough warm up time and my shins let me know.

8 Mile Speed Run @ 01:13:00

I also created a baseline for touching my toes and measured how far my fingertips were from the floor when I bent over. 6 inches. I figure a half an inch each week might get me close to my goal of being able to touch my toes by the end of 2008!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I ran with Cheryl's group this morning and did my best to keep up. There were some parts where I felt really strong and smooth and others when I just wanted to sit down on the sidewalk and not get up again. I did stretch quite a bit after because about 12 miles in, I got some serious pain and cramping in the left side of my butt but I was able to run it out.

14 Mile Run @ 02:20:00

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Returned to the Iron Horse Trail for today's 22 mile run. I added the extra by having Jen drop me off at the bottom of the road so my first mile was pretty much uphill. I must confess that last night's double happy hour plus the opening movie of film festival was not exactly the best way to prepare for a long run but at least today was a good simulation for running tired!

22 Mile Run @ 03:45:00

Friday, October 17, 2008

Nothing but core class this morning. I have been giving myself a hard time because I have not gotten in any swimming or biking the last couple of weeks but I did realize that I am still getting some good cross training that works for my long race. I am doing yoga 2x, core 3x and lifting 2x a week in addition to running 5x so it's not all that bad. Throw in moving to a new work location, interviewing for a new job (that starts Monday) and not having Seattle Fitness just down the stairs from me.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Got in a lift this morning and will run hills with Katie tonight.

Upper Weights @ 00:40:00

This seems to be my "better than nothing" themed week. I missed my bus and had to take a later one getting me home later -- pushing the hill run later into the evening. Fortunately, I had planned to run with Katie and she helped make what seemed to be a chore, fun. We tackled some good hills on the other side of Aurora and varied the distance and incline. I still did not get in the full 8 miles but an hour was good enough for me. Next week will be better.

Hill Run @ 01:03:00

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Skipped swimming again :( but made it into core class.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Got in a quick run after work and before dinner plans so I did my usual home to and around Greenlake and back. I pushed the pace a bit to make up for yesterday's slacker run.

5.5 Mile Run @ 00:47:40

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This morning, I set my alarm for 4:50 so I could be up, drink some coffee and make the 5:23 bus downtown to make it on time for Yoga class. I got to the bus stop at 5:20 and ended up waiting a half an hour for the stupid bus to arrive. I ended up late to class and unsuccessfully tried to practice my relaxation techniques while riding the bus. I did make the last 45 minutes so all was not lost.

Yoga Class @ 00:45:00

I don't have a nice window for getting in my speed run today on my calendar so it may end up being abbreviated. Keeping my fingers crossed for meetings to end early.

The good news is that I now have a new job starting Monday (at my same company) but working with a new team and learning lots of cool new technologies. I am really psyched and know I sure have my work cut out for me!

By the end of the day, I was not feeling well and turned today's speed run into a "better than nothing aerobic run" by running for a bit in the arboretum.

5 Mile Run @ 00:47:00

Monday, October 13, 2008

Got in my weights this morning before core class.

Upper Weights @ 00:40:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I had a 12 mile trail run on my schedule today but really did not want to drive again to run, so I just ran a loop from my house, running on the gravel whenever I could. I kept the pace easy and the route had some hills that surprisingly did not seem nearly as bad today as they have been in the past when I ran that route. I actually felt pretty good and am surprised by that although I seem to do nothing lately but run, sleep and eat.

12 Mile Run @ 01:55:00

Yoga class was a good challenge today. Warrior pose was a bit tough on my already tired quads but I left feeling a bit more open :)

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Slept really well again last night and quite late (9:30 AM?!?). Today's run was 20 miles and Jen and I drove back to the Iron Horse trail to get in the distance. She on her mountain bike and me on my new trail running shoes :) I ran from the crossroads to the tunnel and back -- 10.6 miles each way.

I felt good and kept the pace super duper easy. Even walked a little bit when I stopped at the bathrooms. I do love that trail especially the nice slight descent on the way back.

21.2 Mile Run @ 03:37:24

Friday, October 10, 2008

Last night, I was in bed by 8:15 and asleep by 8:30. I did not even set the alarm for swimming and decided that the only thing I could throw at my week long headache and sore legs was a good night's sleep. Got it :)

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Thursday, October 09, 2008

This morning, Katie picked me up at 5:15 and we drove to and parked at 70th and 35th. Our plan was to run 70th, 65th and 70th for the workout. I definitely struggled and my legs were tired. It did not help that Katie would bound way ahead and then jog BACKWARDS uphill while I tried to catch up. We also worked on my downhill posture (as in stop breaking).

She did crack me up near the end by telling me that I had better notice how breathtakingly beautiful the view is during the race, or she was going to hurt me, no matter how badly I was already hurting at the finish line :)

6 Mile Hill Run @ 01:06:00

Got in a lift at the Java Gym (yuck...)

Upper Weights @ 00:40:00

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

When my alarm went off this morning for swimming, there was no question in my mind that I was not going to go. I was glad for the extra hour of sleep, and my legs agreed. I did make it in for core class and got in a nice EASY jog during lunch.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

4 Mile Easy Run @ 00:40:00

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I went to Hatha yoga this morning and even though I got my butt kicked, I was able to modify it enough to make it through. I really want to be able to touch my toes by the end of 2008!

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

And for giggles, here is my 50k Training Plan.

I got in my speed workout after work. The plan was to run 7 miles and run a mile at 10k pace, recover for 3 minutes and repeat. I ran down Madison for a mile to the Arboretum and used that section out and back for my mile repeats. It was good because I got some incline as well as a gravel/dirt path to run on. My splits were 8:26, 8:47, 8:14 and 8:48. My quads still hurt a lot but I felt very good about the workout.
7 Mile Speed Run @ 01:01:05

Monday, October 06, 2008

My legs hurt a lot today and going down stairs was tough. I got in a core session and then a lift in the afternoon.

Core Class @ 00:30:00
Upper Weights @ 00:40:00

Sunday, October 05, 2008

After spending the remainder of yesterday horizontal, icing my knees and popping Ibuprofen, I woke up this morning in time for running group. I had 10 miles on my training plan and the group had 8 so I had to add two at the end. I started out with the fast runners and gasped and limped my way through that first mile trying to keep up. By three miles, I had fallen behind and was running on my own at a much much slower pace but actually felt okay and finished without feeling completely whipped.

10 Mile Run @ 01:45:00

Cheryl took all the coaches out for breakfast at Cafe Flora after and I had a delicious scramble. At one point, Cheryl said that it would be really good for me to take an ice bath for recovery. I disagreed and said it was a terrible idea. But of course, after breakfast, I went to the grocery store to pick up a bag of ice. Any security cameras in the store would have caught a very disgruntled me with the crabbiest look on my face purchasing that ice. When I got home, I ran the cold water and got into the tub. Slowly. Yelping while adding the bag of ice. Even Wally thought it was a very stupid idea and we commiserated together about how unfair the world was. I decided to stay in for 15 minutes or until the ice melted. Whichever was longer. Ended up making it almost 20 and my legs are still cold even though I am wearing my flannel jammie bottoms and am wrapped in a blanket.

A few weeks ago, Jen signed us up for an Intro to Yoga class at Greenlake and today was our first day. It was just a perfect level for me (although Jen said it was the easiest yoga class she had ever taken) and even though the instructor, when trying to get me in to a basic pose said "stop running", I did like it and look forward to the next class!

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Today's run was 18 miles and Jen figured out that 2x Mt. Si plus and extra couple would do the trick and I agreed. We drove there around 9 AM and I hit the first lap -- and Mt. Si hit back. Hard. The way up was much steeper than I anticipated and I did a combination of run/walk that ended up being about 75% walk and 25% run. Only had one wipe out and it could not have been an easier one. I tripped over a rock or something on a section of the trail that was mostly dirt. I caught myself easily and just did a little push up to get myself back up again. The very last bit was up some super steep rocks but I made the 3200 feet 4 mile trail in 01:15:00 it and turned around to do it again.

After seeing Jen much sooner than I thought I would on the way back, I did my best to try to run down yet not kill myself. It was raining intermittently and the rocks were fairly slippery. I was only slightly faster on the way down, finished in 02:15:00 and turned around again.

This time the rain really started to pick up and I ended up doing the second ascent as a fast walk because there really was not much run left in me. I got a lot of comments this time around from people who had seen me my first lap and saw Jen again, who was running the descent and having a total blast. At the top, the wind was really howling and the rain was coming down pretty hard. It took me 5 minutes longer to make the ascent this time and I was quite happy to be headed back. I think I got a little better descending and was only 1 and a half minutes slower than my last decent. Not bad on really tired legs! I let the last two miles go and figured I got in a very good workout with the 16 I did.

16 Mile Trail Run @ 04:36:28 (6400 elevation gain)

So I was feeling pretty proud of today's run until I checked December's race site and learned that the elevation gain is almost 11,000 and the cut-off time is 14 hours (I thought it was 16).

Friday, October 03, 2008

Core class was good, even though Jon kept cracking me up with her intermittent diatribe about last night's debate. After that, I got in my lift before heading to the mother ship for three hours of interviews.

Core Class @ 00:30:00
Upper Weights @ 00:30:00

After that, I headed back to 83 King to finish packing up my cube for our move back on Monday :(

Thursday, October 02, 2008

This morning, I woke up at 5 o'dark and drove to Sandpoint and 70th to get in my hill run workout. The workout should really be called Hideous Hill Workout because I am not allowed to run just any hills. Oh no, Cheryl was quite happy to be clear that the hills were to be quite horrible in both incline and distance and none of my former hilly run routes would qualify.

So I warmed up just 5 blocks and ran up 65th and then kinda ambled around that neighborhood in the dark until I found my way to 70th and back down to where my car was. Then I ran back up 70th all the way to 35th and then back down to my car. I don't think I ran the 6 miles prescribed but I did do both of the terrible hills so I am considering it good for today.

5ish Mile Hideous Hill Run @00:55:00

I was pretty whipped going into spin class so I took it easy and probably only worked off 1/4 of the red velvet cupcake Tija brought in to say good-bye to the last us.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Last night, I ate a hamburger and the beef seemed to lift my spirits/muscles again as well as the 9 hours of sleep (note, skipped swimming...again...)

I did make it into core class and suffered.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

After work, I talked Jen into dropping me off at Greenlake and ran (easy, super easy) around most of the lake and headed home via Meridian and 80th. I had a weird cramp in the left side of my chest but it went away.

4 Mile Run @ 00:40:00