Saturday, May 31, 2008

It's race morning and the twitchy athletes are off to an early start. Send good wishes (speed, strength and only tailwind) to the racers this morning at the Ironman 70.3 Hawaii!

Beautiful sunny morning. The wind came up just as the swim started and they had to deal with a tough current :(

Athletes = 10 (they are in great spirits despite tough conditions)
Announcer = 1 (obviously has never done a triathlon in his life)
Shuttle Buses = -2 (not good planning AT ALL)
Everyone had a great race and was quite successful despite the heat and wind! It also gave me the opportunity to see the "other side" of racing as a supporter. It was a pretty long, hot day but everything was forgotten the moment I would see Ruth, Julie, Duncan or Karen!
I did get in a quick lift after it all and before some dinner.
Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core @ 00:10:00

Friday, May 30, 2008

I had the absolutely best swim in a very long time this morning. I left from the Ironman start beach (I am sure there is another name for it but this is how I know it) and swam from there out to a few buoys I had been eyeing and back. It was so much fun and I got to watch fish the entire time! So much nicer than lane lines... Guesstimating my time and distance...

1.5ish Mile Swim @ 01:00:00

Here's a picture of me sitting happily in the water at a black sand beach a bit north of Kona. being there reminded me of family vacations and playing in the waves with my sister.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Went for a short run this morning and my coughing has not cleared up completely :( Still feeling a bit "under" and not as energetic as I would like.
3ish Mile Run @ 00:30:00

Here's a picture of the group at "Happy Hour" last night.

Went for a short swim in the pool in the evening.
1600 Swim @ 00:35:00

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The good news is that if I am going to be sick, it might as well be in paradise. I went to the Kona Urgent Care clinic Monday morning and was given both an antibiotic and a drug to stop the coughing and both are beginning to work so far. This has forced me to slow down considerably and I believe that perhaps the Universe is forcing me to take some down time.

I did go for my first run this morning since last week and it felt okay. Not spectacular but not bad at this point in my healing process.

5ish Mile Run @ 00:50:00

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pele (or one of her 400,000 deity gang) hates my lungs and the "vog" does not help one bit. Last night, I woke up at 11:30 coughing so hard that I threw up. Twice. I was freaking out a bit feeling pretty scared. I walked out into town (no rental car) looking for a store that might be open to see if I could get something to try to help it and ended up paying 2.50 for two servings of Benadryl at a scary gas station.

Today, I went to the drug store and got Musinex for my cough. If it is a fraction as good as the amount of $$ they throw at commercials, then it should do the trick.

I then walked to the community pool (LOVE IT) that has open lap swim from 6:30 AM - 7:30 PM and is FREE. I swam pretty easy and not for too long but at least I feel, between the walking and the little bit of swimming, I am not turning into a complete lump.

1400 Swim @ 00:45:00

Friday, May 23, 2008

Another crappy coughing night and today was a travel day so I did not do anything. Unfortunately my theory that I am allergic to something in the NW that is not in Hawaii proved to be incorrect and my lungs seem bent on leaving my body in a rather dramatic fashion.


It did make for an interesting quick shopping trip at the ABC store. 1 six pack of beer. 1 chocolate bar. 1 bottle of Robitussin.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I have done something to deeply offend my lungs and I was again up at midnight and 4 am with coughing fits that just would not stop. The only consolation is that I hope that I am at least working my abs...

I rode my bike into work today and that pissed off my lungs.

12 Mile Ride @ 00:45:00

Then got in a quick lift and that seemed to be okay...

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Lower Weights @ 00:07:00

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last night was my fourth consecutive sleep-deprived night in a row and it is really wearing on me.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Then I went for an easy aerobic run along the water during lunch. The run itself felt good but it pissed off my lungs -- enough to make me phone-in on mute to a meeting down the hall because my coughing will not stop :(

5.5 Mile Run @ 00:53:00

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Another sleep-deprived night :( But I was feeling a bit better today and even cancelled the Dr. appointment I had made earlier in the morning. I just did not think it was worth $20 co-pay to have a Dr. tell me that I have a cold...

So I hopped on the rollers and that loosened up my lungs enough to offer me a coughing-fest that outlasted the duration of my weenie ride... Apparently, I -- who have never in my life been mistaken for a delicate flower have delicate little lungs. Probably payback for running the Seattle Half with bronchitis years ago...

10 Mile Roller Ride @ 00:37:00

Monday, May 19, 2008

I thought I had completed my "sick" quota but apparently I had more in the bank because I was up most of the last two nights with chills, sweats, aches, a very sore throat and a cough that will not quit :(

I did Core and Weights but nothing that required breathing hard. I did add lunges and squats today. I think these may be my first lower body weights since 2006...

Core Class @ 00:30:00
Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Lower Weights @ 00:10:00

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Today I rode the Tour de Cure's 70 mile route and just had the best ride ever! The weather was perfect, the route beautiful, the support supreme and I did a good job hydrating so I finished as strongly as I started. Could not have had a better time!

70 Mile Ride @ 04:35:00 (15.2 pace)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Today is official Starbucks Bike to Work Day and it could not have been a better morning! Made it on time to get in Core class too.

12 Mile Commute @ 00:45:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

Got in a quick lift at lunch.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Went for a run this morning down and around Greenlake and back. At first, I thought I just needed to warm up but that feeling never stopped so instead, I know that I just needed to stop :)

5.5 Mile Run @ 00:53:00

Ended the day with a rather leisurely bike commute home -- smiling the whole time in the sun.

12 Mile Bike Commute @ 01:00:00

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Even last night's attempt at a normal bedtime did not make this morning's 4:44 wake-up call any less brutal :(

Swim practice was good this morning and I got in some good distance. I then made it to core class and sleepily was put through my paces...

2650 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Getting myself out for a run during lunch was equally difficult. I decided to do a stair workout and ran to Pike Place Market remembering that there was a "stair climb" there. I don't think I found it but I was quite happy with doing loops on the Harbor Steps. Did 11 laps (set out to do 10 but turned it into a prime number) and each one was between 55 and 47 seconds as I descended them. The nice thing is that they were short enough for me to run up each time.

3.5 Mile Stair Run @ 00:38:00

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Had a pleasant ride in on the Hindenburg and beat the rain. Because I took yesterday as a complete rest day, I got in a lift before spin class.

Bike Commute @ 00:45:00

Upper Weights @ 00:25:00
Core @ 00:05:00

Then there was spin class. Tija warned me this morning that today's class would be a killer. Because it was too rainy to get my speed workout in outdoors (yes, Cheryl I know. I need to do speedwork outside...but it was really wet so it was either class or the rollers) and my 1:00 cancelled, I went to class and got my ass KICKED. When we weren't sprinting, we were at a tempo pace. At the end, I was completely drenched and practically falling off my bike. I sure hope the rain keeps up so I have a good excuse to ride the bus home and leave my bike here.

freaking hard Spin Class @ 00:50:00

Sunday, May 11, 2008

I celebrated Mother's Day with a nice run on Alki with Gisela (on rollerskates). I started out by parking across from the Starbucks and ran to Lincoln Park and back where I met her at 9:00 and we then went to the West Seattle bridge (trying not to fling sweat on all the well dressed mothers at Salty's) and back. It was a beautiful day for a run and I felt good and strong throughout.

We then hung out in her new beautiful hot tub catching up and I called my mom to wish her a Happy Mother's day on the way home.

15 Mile Run @ 02:14:00

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I got in a great ride today. We all met at Log Boom and Mike, Marilyn, Karen and I took off the front for a nice ride to Snohomish. The weather cooperated (mostly) and Mike and I rode together most the ride. it was great at first and we got in some terrific speeds as I chased him in his aero bars. It was just fantastic to feel good because I have not for so many weeks.

Then around 35-40 miles, I started to lose it and wondered where the rest of my gears were because surely I had more...I threw nuun, a powerbar, water etc at my legs but they would not be appeased and offer me any of the speed I had at the beginning of the ride.

It ended well and pretty much a perfect Saturday morning!

54 mile Bike Ride @ 03:25:00

Friday, May 09, 2008

Swim practice was a bit brutal this morning especially because I had gotten in less sleep than I should have the past couple of nights. It was also a freestyle sprint workout and basically, no good ever comes from sprinting. I guess except for improved lung capacity and speed...

2600 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Then I caught the bus in time to make Jon's class and she basically was just out to completely ruin our weekend and did some of my least favorite things including the one on our tummies holding our ankles, head and neck up and then, of all things...rock?!? So she is looks like a graceful circus performer rolling the length of the mat and I just try to keep a hold of my ankles and breathe, as that stops being an involuntary action in that position...

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Got in a quick lift near the end of my day.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00

Thursday, May 08, 2008

I commuted by bike today so my ride in was super easy (per usual) and I got to be one of the first to see the new "green lanes". On the way in, I ran into another team captain from my organization and she clued me in on a route home that I had not tried yet.

I came home via her suggestion past the back end of the market but did panic a bit on a steep cobblestone incline. The Hindenburg did not like it one bit and I wished for at least one other gear halfway through but I made it and had a great rest of the ride in. My legs felt less tired and my plan to rest my legs a bit yesterday paid off.

24 Mile Bike Commute @ 01:45:00

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Made it to swim practice this morning and it was distance day and even had a nice set of kicks in the beginning.

Even though it has been three weeks since I had been in the pool, I alternated with another swimmer to lead the 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 set. Good workout!

2650 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

I have also made a mature (gasp) decision to not run today. I was just so darn tired yesterday, and the day before, and the day before I am giving my legs a rest to see what that offers them. So swim practice was it for the day!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I started out the morning with a run from home around Greenlake and back. Definitely not feeling my strongest/best but I was able to get it done.

5.5 Mile Run @ 00:52:30

I have an event early this evening so I didn't take my bike in to commute home. I will get my cycling in during spin class (yes, I know I can't do spin anymore..) but it was the best I could do today.

Spin class was really tough today. It did not help that we did not get any sort of recovery/rest until about halfway through but my legs were TIRED and I ended drenched and spent.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00

Monday, May 05, 2008

I was able to get my act together enough to take my bike on the bus and still make it in for Jon's core class. We were (as she was kicking our butt's) trying to figure out what she did to us on Friday that hurt so much. Unfortunately, she seemed to take that as a challenge after a rather torturous session, said rather smugly "you're going to be sore tomorrow".

Core Class @ 00:30:00
Upper Weights @ 00:30:00

Got in a quick weight session at lunch and plan to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a nice ride home in the sun!

Great day for a ride! I had a work-related happy hour planned and I sipped water while everyone else enjoyed their beers but it was worth it to not have that sitting in my tummy while riding home and my tired legs appreciated it.

12 Mile Commute @ 01:00:00

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Last night I planned to redeem myself after yesterday's slacker workout and get in a nice long run -- maybe three hours or so because, after all I have that kind of mileage.

I started on a 12 mile route around Greenlake and Lake Union (knowing where I could add more miles if I wanted) and was thrilled by how beautiful and sunny it was! My start felt a little rough but I did feel as though my groove came back. But by the time I finished Lake Union, my legs started to feel tired and sore and I practically crawled up Stone Way :( By the time I hit my car, I was wiped and coughing some more.

Crap. I get that I have some more recovering to do but was really hoping to be done by now.

12.5 (got a bit extra waiting for the bridge) Mile Run @ 01:56:11

Saturday, May 03, 2008

I turned on the news this morning and learned that it was supposed to be rainy in the morning and then clear up around noon so I decided to try to wait it out for my long bike and spent my morning on my math homework.

By noon, it was still sprinkling and by 2:00, it looked like it was clearing up so I hopped on my bike for a spin around Lake Washington. I made it exactly two blocks before I turned around and opted to ride inside. It was sprinkling and the clouds did not look at all promising -- and frankly, I did not want to ride in the rain if I did not have to.

I hopped on the rollers with the plan to ride 2 hours at least but only made it through 5o minutes before my lungs got the better of me. At least my pace was good...

15 Mile Ride @ 00:50:00

Friday, May 02, 2008

I was pretty tired last night and put myself to bed a little before 9:00. Good decision because I slept until 6 AM (will get back to swimming next week) and am definitely feeling better. Good core class (per usual) this morning.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

I went for a nice hilly run today and headed through the I-90 tunnel to Lake Washington and then threaded my way back up the hill again and then back downtown.

6 Mile Run @ 01:00:00

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Today started Bike to Work month and because I am the team captain for Les Lanternes Rouges, it was important that I dust off the Hindenburg and ride it into work. No excuses.

It was a great day for a ride. I rode through downtown on my way in and then back via Magnolia on the way home. The good news is that some of the hills I remember being pretty tough were not as tough but that could be because this is my second "recovery week" and I am doing no hard workouts. I am feeling a bit better than yesterday and am definitely on the mend...

24 Mile Round Trip Bike Commute @ 01:45:00

I also got in an upper weight session and unfortunately picked the same time as spin class so I had to explain why I was not in class to Tija who gave me a very offended look through the window :). Wait till I tell her my coach is kicking me out of spin class all together...

Of course she was cool because Seattle Fitness is a big supporter of Bike to Work month and is giving commute challenge team members at my company free access to the showers through the month of May. LOVE them!

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00