Sunday, October 31, 2010

Spent the day doing homework and studying but made my Sunday yoga practice a priority. The Sunday class is a bit tougher but I made it through all the poses!

Vinyasa Level I - II Yoga @ 01:15:00

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Went for my first RUN this morning around Lake Union with Katie. Kept the pace easy and I was so so so happy to have made it around!

6.2 Mile Run @ 00:57:30

Also met with Cheryl to discuss my next goal - Comrades Ultra-Marathon 2012. Between now and then, I will run @ three 50k's and one 50 miler as well as complete one 1/2 Ironman this summer to get in the cross training.

I get to take it a bit easy for now and the general guidelines are:
  • Run 3x per week
  • Bike 1x-2x per week
  • Swim 1x-2x per week
  • Yoga - as much as I can :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Went to Yoga this morning - my first time since the surgery. I let the instructor know about my condition and was happy to learn that she had planned to have us on our backs a lot. Felt good and made it through the entire Hatha routine!

Hatha Yoga @ 01:00:00

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Had another Somnoplasty treatment Tuesday afternoon that wiped me again so I was not able to do anything beyond simply working on Wednesday.

Hit the treadmill at the gym today and got in a 3 mile walk increasing the pace a bit with each mile.

3 Mile Walk @ 00:43:00

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Today was my first "official" workout since surgery last Monday. I woke up at 6 AM without and alarm and felt quite rested and energized for the first time. Put on my shoes and "power-walked" a loop around my neighborhood and tried not to envy the runners I saw out there. Patience...

I have a follow up appointment with my Dr. today and will see if there is any chance I can be cleared for running/yoga any earlier than the 14 day sentence he imposed. Probably not but it never hurts to ask...

3 Mile Walk @ 00:45:00

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Portland Marathon 2010

I started the race with thrice adjusted descending goals. After the
last few weeks of traveling, being sick and some other crap, I was not
feeling super strong going to the start line.

Speaking of the start line, it would have been useful to have actually
read through the race information to prevent wandering around in the
dark and rain trying to figure out where to go. I ended up starting
with group E, and was supposed to start with group A.

Fortunately it was all chip timed so I was fine - just had a lot of
passing to do the first few miles. All in all it was a good race -
enthusiastically supported, scenic with a few more hills than I
anticipated. I just worked to maintain an 8:40 pace and would
sometimes beat that depending on how many race skirts were ahead of motto was "so many race skirts, so few miles to pass them
all". :)

My splits were; 8:27, 8:49, 8:45, 7:52, 8:06, 16:45 (missed the mile
marker), 8:45, 8:33, 8:26, 8:25, 9:07, 8:32, 9:12, 8:10, 8:43, 10:21,
8:35, 7:48: 10:07, 9:04, 8:33, 9:08, 8:57, 9:07, 9:00, 2:07.

My watch has me at a 3:49:16 finish - enough to qualify me...barely
but today I will take it.

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