Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Swim practice was good this morning and I got in some decent yardage.

Swim Practice 2500 @ 01:00:00

Busy day at work and did not get in a workout at lunch. Came home and did a quick spin on my rollers while my dinner heated up.

12 Mile Bike @ 00:50:00

Monday, January 30, 2006

Tried to do my pace run today. Only had time during lunch and did it on the treadmill at 1% incline. Not sure how much running indoors affected my HR.

Here are my results:

WU @ 10:04
126a 137m

70% @ 9:31
146a 171m

80%2 8:41
159a 178m

85% @ 8:19
169a 188m

90% @ 7:37
183a 196m

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ended up taking all day yesterday as a rest day and we finally went to see "Brokeback Mountain" in the afternoon -- we have only been trying to find room in our schedules to go to a movie for weeks now.

Last night we went Dave's birthday party and had many Cosmo's :) So my weigh-in this morning was a combination of lots of alcohol the night before and day two of my period.


Did not ride with my team today -- instead rode for an hour on the rollers. We are going to lift this afternoon before going to Janarah's basketball game.

15 Mile Bike (rollers) @ 01:00:00

Weight Training

3 x 1:00 Plank (balance on ball)
1x15 front, 2x8 side, 1x8 front Incline Sit Up
1x15, 2x12 side incline leg up
1 x :45 Plank with Rotation each side
1x10 Back 2x 15 @ 10 lb plate
Captain's Chair 2x15


Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x12 @ 8 dumbbells

Bench Press 2x15 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x15 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x15 @ 60 machine

Dips 2x12

Friday, January 27, 2006

I cannot believe how many yards I got in today! Of course I spent the practice chasing Pull buoy of Death Duncan and one second break is enough for any interval Peter.

Swim Practice 2850 @ 01:00:00


Ran home from work today. Because I have a professional development event on Saturday, my manager let me take off at 3:30 to get in my 17 mile long run. My route went from downtown Bellevue across Mercer Island and the I90 bridge to Leschi, the arboretum, UW and finally home. I tried to do last mile race pace mile but did not have much left.

I came home to a warm house and Ruth made me my favorite -- Vegas spaghetti. :)

Long Run 17 Miles @ 02:50:52

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Met with my coach after swim practice today. This morning I swam with (okay, really far behind a lot) Duncan only. The hardest part was a set of 4x150 on the 2:15. YIKES. I was able to keep the first interval with Duncan and his pull bouy of death but then dropped to 2:20, 2:25 and finally 2:30 :(

Swim Practice 2300@ 00:55:00

My meeting was a really good reality check and focus session.

Below are my key take-aways:
  • I still overtrain and need to train smarter. I work full-time and will destroy myself if I am not careful.
  • The Boston marathon is a B Priority race. Deal with it.
  • Once the Boston nonsense is over, I need to focus on my cycling as that is 70% of the Ironman. Even the elites walk some of the run of an Ironman and that really does not matter to me as I am not an elite :). I will end up walking part of it.
  • Swimming is now down to two times a week. If I really want another swim, I may do it on Mondays. (She knows that I LOVE to sleep in on Mondays) so that was pretty sneaky.
  • Running is up to 4 times a week in February and then 5 in March.
  • If I get tired, I need to take off a workout rather than train myself into the ground.
  • Weight training is down to 2x a week for upper and core. 1x for legs. (neither of us can believe I am actually whining about this reduction)
  • Stretch my calves every day as many times as I can. I am getting some pain in the front of my legs and cannot afford shin splints.
  • I can have a baby after the Ironman and still train for half iron distances with the right partner -- already got that :)
  • I need to see my coach at least once a month as I am stubborn and she is the only one I will listen to.


Went to Dina's spin class today. She started us out at a high resistance and my legs just screamed. But I made it through...

Spin Class @ 00:50:00

139a 171m

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Decided to run at lunch today and get in a little more sleep than go to the early spin class. Did a race pace run on the treadmill and this time used the setting that had hills in it rather than the flast +1 incline I usually use.

6 Mile Run @ 00:54:00

1 Mile WU @ 09:20

4 Miles @ 33:51
169a, 186m

.75 Mile CD @ 07:00
167a, 186m

.25 Mile Walk @ 04:09
128a, 161m 114e

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It took me a very long time to warm up at swim practice this morning. My body felt like lead and I was POKEY. I am blaming it on last night's martini (only one but I have learned my lesson, coach).

Swim Practice 2300 @ 00:55:00

Weight Training

Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x12 @ 8 dumbbells

Bench Press 1x15, 1x12 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x15 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x15 @ 60 machine

Assisted Dips 1x12, 1x8 @ 110 machine

Concentration Curls 1x12, 1x8 @ 20 dumbbells


Abductor 2x15 @ 80 lb
Adductor 2x15 @ 90 lb

Hamstring 2x15 @ 55 lb
Lunges 2x15 @ 15 lb dumbbells

Monday, January 23, 2006

Went for an aerobic run at lunch today. Estimate that it was between 5.75 an 6 miles. Varied my route a little to get in more hills. Got in a little core work right after the run.

Aerobic 6 Mile Run @ 00:53:00

3 x 1:00 Plank (5 sec one leg, 5 sec both, 5 sec other leg)
1 x :45 Plank with Rotation each side
2x15 Captain's Chair

Sunday, January 22, 2006

This morning's weigh-in has me down from last week. Going for a ride around the South end of the lake with my team at 10:00.

166.4 (-1.6, -1.8 overall)

I don't even know where to begin with the ride today. There were six of us total -- this is a ride put together by one of the Cat 4 women who wanted a no-drop "get in a workout and get to know your teammates ride". I was happy about that especially since the last ride I went to with the team left me really doubting (again) if this was the group for me.

I managed to keep up with them although they started really fast and my legs have been a bit mangled from all the recent activity -- most recently trying to keep up with a very happy and excited 12 year old last night for three hours in the Snoqualmie Tubing center. :)

We started from the Leschi Starbucks -- I drove down and left the car for Ruth to pick up as she did her own ride and planned to end in Leschi.

We did the south end of the lake and stopped for a short break at Coulon Park. Then on Mercer Island, the group decided to push it a bit around the long side. Initially, I thought I would break away and take the shorter route as I needed to get back for Janarah's basketball game. But I decided instead that maybe I would attend her game a bit sweaty and take the opportunity to ride with a group I was really enjoying and see if I could keep up with the fast girls.

I hung with them for about half the ride but had to drop back when it got hilly and a bit more challenging. There was a gap that split the group with three in the front, two ahead of me and then me -- the caboose. I was able to keep those two (Eve and Eliza) in sight mostly but I heard the crash before I saw it.

A kid in a white SUV was making a left turn into West Mercer Way and made eye contact with Eve, who was riding with Eliza and then made a poor decision and gunned it at the last moment. Eliza's head went through his driver's side window and they both went down. Hard.

I stayed with them until the emergency vehicles took them away and another cyclist who lived nearby took their bikes to store in his garage because we could not fit their bikes and mine and Ruth's in the Subaru.

After going home to get into warm clothes and then picking up their bikes, we went to Swedish to check on them. They were so fortunate to have only minor injuries -- the worst being Eliza's broken nose from the contact. Her bike fared far worse. I am grateful that it ended the way it did considering all the alternatives.

30 Mile Bike @ 02:00:00

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Today's long run was 10 miles. Ruth and I did our usual route when we drove to Gas Works, ran around Lake Union and I ran home via Stone Way.

10 Mile LSD Run @ 01:30:00

We take Janarah to Snoqualmie tonight for tubing. Should be fun!

Friday, January 20, 2006

This morning I decided to sleep in rather than go to swim practice. I was not feeling particularly tired, just really cranky and tired of running around as we have had something going on every night this week. I had a nice leisurely cup of coffee before heading into work in a far better mood than when I went to bed.

I left the comfort of the treadmill and Law & Order re-runs and took my tempo run outside today as my coach said I needed to include hills. Did my usual 6ish mile loop with a 1 mile-ish WU and CD. My distances are not exact as I have not mapped them and part of the run goes through the Mercer Slough. My WU is longer than my CD as I had to split the run into sections that worked with the intersections.

6 Mile Run @ 00:49:39 (4 Miles Tempo/Race Pace)

WU @ 00:11:46
135a 171m 125e

Tempo/Race Pace @ 00:34:47
159a 175m 168e

CD @ 00:03:05
147a 169m 143e


Lifted after work but did not do legs.

Weight Training

3 x 1:00 Plank (5 sec one leg up, 5 sec both down, 5 sec other leg up)
1 x :45 Plank with Rotation each side
2x15 Captain's Chair
2x12 Ab Crunch Machine @ 15 lb
Back 2x 15 @ 10 lb plate

Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x14 @ 8 dumbbells

Bench Press 1x15, 1x12 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x15 @ 75 machine
Assisted Pull ups 1x8, 1x6 @ 125 machine

Concentration Curls 1x13, 1x12 @ 20 dumbbells

Assisted Dips 2x15 @ 125 machine

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Had a good swim practice this morning. Did a set of 1x150 (100 for time, 50 recovery) with the 100's on the 1:23, 1:25, 1:25 and 1:26. Next time -- all of them on the 1:23!

Swim Practice 2600 @ 01:00:00

Spin class was abbreviated today with meetings right before and after. However, I did manage to get in a workout before leaving a little early.

Spin Class @ 00:41:00
141a, 161m

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Traveled to Portland all day so today was a pseudo-rest day.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

My shoulders and legs are aching a bit from yesterday so swimming was not completely easy. However, Sarah swim today so that always makes things better!

2300 Swim Practice @ 00:50:00

So for weight training today, I mixed up the order to do my core first and will now list my weights in the order I do them. I am also color-coding my workout and RED will indicate if I went up in weights and BLUE will indicate if I went down.

Weight Training

3 x 1:00 Plank
1 x :45 Plank with Rotation each side
2x15 Captain's Chair
1x 12 center, 1x8 each side situp on slanted bench, 1x5 center
1x12 center, 1x8 each side Leg Up on Slanted Bench
Back 2x 15 @ 10 lb plate

Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x16 @ 6 dumbbells

Bench Press 1x15, 1x12 @ 60
Chest Flyes 1x15, 1x12 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x15 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x15 @ 60 machine

Concentration Curls 1x13, 1x12 @ 20 dumbbells

Kick Backs 2x15 @ 10 dumbbels

Lunges 2x15 @ 10 lb dumbbells (legs tired from yesterday)
Abductor 2x15 @ 70 lb
Adductor 2x15 @ 90 lb
Hamstring 2x12 @ 55 lb

Went for a fun aerobic run with Katie after work around Greenlake. Did not have my HR monitor and we tried to keep it aerobic -- until she went too fast (but of course she said that I was going too fast...)

3.5 Mile Run @ 00:27:30 (guess)

Monday, January 16, 2006

We went cross-country skiing today at Snoqualmie Pass with our friend Cara (who skied telemark on another area).

The total trip was about 10 miles or so and we were out there for about 3 hours. I will count it as a running workout.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

This morning started out badly because my weigh-in had me up again. I am trying not to get too caught up in the numbers because I feel strong and know that I am fit. But it does not mean that I am not a complete head case about it :(


Did a long run today and coordinated it well with Ruth's bike ride. I drove to Log Boom and left the car -- and she rode from home around the North end, picked up the car and drove home. From there, I ran down the Burke-Gilman to Gas Works and then up Stone Way, across Greenlake and up the final hill to home.

While I running on the Greenlake path, I heard a runner coming hard up behind me and it turned out to be Eugene :)
It sure was nice to run and chat with him at the end of a long hard run but I could not convince him to go up the final hill with me! I tried to do last mile fast mile from 80th and 5th but I did not have much left. I did get my heart rate up though.

16 Mile Run @ 02:38:28
146a (last 00:08:49 at 157a, 162m)

Friday, January 13, 2006

This morning, I had almost convinced Ruth to skip swim practice and sleep in. Sleep has been a gourmet commodity in our really busy week. But she was unable to fall back asleep and I reluctantly agreed to go to practice with her.

I am glad I went because I had a terrific workout! I swam with Sarah and Duncan and worked very very hard to keep up with them. We had a workout in honor of Friday the 13th and did sets of 13 x 50 and 75. The 13 x 75 was quite challenging as the odds were fast and hard. I kept my head down and focused on my streamlined "swimming tube" to not get dropped completely.

Swim Practice 2500 @ 00:55:00

I have an aerobic run planned at lunch and Ruth and I are going to lift weights after work. Then tomorrow will be a complete rest day (I promise, coach!).

I just had the best run! I feel like something clicked yesterday and I am instantly stronger. It started during swim practice yesterday and I was able to engage muscles and body and power up to keep up during the 300's. Then during spin class, I engaged my hamstrings and core and was able to make it through a strenuous strength training set. Today's swim practice was also hard, but I was able to engage everything -- my mind, breathing and muscles and keep up. Then my run just felt strong and smooth. When I hit the hill at the end of the 6 miles, I just thought "bring it" and sailed right up. I did a bit of core after my run to get a head start on tonight's last workout.

So there may actually be something to this weight training. Imagine if I had started this years ago when my coach told me to!

6 Mile Aerobic Run @ 00:53:11

3 x 1:00 Plank
1 x :45 Plank with Rotation each side
2x15 Captain's Chair

A triple workout on the Friday of a long week finally humbled me. I struggled with lifting after work but made it through.

Weight Training

Bench Press 1x15, 1x12 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x15 @ 27.5 dumbbells

Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x16 @ 5 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x12 @ 60 machine

Concentration Curls 1x15, 1x13 @ 20 dumbbells

Assisted Dip 2x12

Abductor 2x15 @ 70 lb
Adductor 2x15 @ 80 lb
Hamstring 2x12 @ 55 lb
Lunges 2x15 @ 15 lb dumbbells

1x 12 center, 1x12 alternate side situp on slanted bench, 1x5 center
1x12 center, 1x8 each side Leg Up on Slanted Bench
Back 2x 115 @ 10 lb plate

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Had a good swim practice this morning despite Emily being a no-show. Because Sarah wrote the workout, it took a bit longer for our lane to get started so the distance was not as long. But I hung in there easily on the 300's.

Swim Practice 2300 @ 00:50:00

Then Dina kicked my ass in spin class.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00
139a, 166m

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Had a good brick this morning. Did the 6AM Spin Class with Dina who really focused on leg strength today. Not too much fun for me because my legs are complaining about yesterday's lunges...

Then a 3 mile tempo (race pace 8:20) run on the treadmill. I am done for the day! :)

12+ Mile Spin Class @ 00:47:00
129 a 161m

3 Mile Race Pace Run @ 00:25:00
163a 187m

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Had a great swim practice this morning. It is always nice to swim with Sarah :)

Swim Practice 2500 @ 01:00:00

Weight Training

Bench Press 2x12 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x15 @ 27.5 dumbbells

Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x12 @ 6 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x12 @ 60 machine

Concentration Curls 1x12, 1x10 @ 20 dumbbells

Assisted Dip 2x12

Abductor 2x15 @ 70 lb
Adductor 2x15 @ 80 lb
Hamstring 2x12 @ 55 lb
Lunges 2x15 @ 15 lb dumbbells

1x 12 center, 2x12 alternate side situp on slanted bench, 1x5 center
1x12 center, 2x8 Leg Up on Slanted Bench
Back 2x 12 @ 10 lb plate
Captain's Chair 2x15
Plank 3x 1 min
Side Plank with Rotation 2x .45 seconds

Monday, January 09, 2006

I "cheated" and weighed myself this morning to see if there was any credibility to Ruth's theory that we ate a lot of salty food on Friday and Saturday nights -- affecting the weigh in. I was down again to 166.8 which is in line with the gradual weight loss I have been achieving. Or I am simply dehydrated :P

Ended up being an unplanned rest day today. Because I was concerned about Janarah after her tough game yesterday, I called her on the way to my CompuTrainer workout. Her mom told me that she had a really rough night on Sunday as the basketball game was the last straw in a stressful week. I cancelled my participation in CT and scooped her instead. Ruth and I had dinner with her and just spent the evening talking with her and playing board games.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Damn. This week's weigh-in finds me back to where I started at the beginning of December. This is discouraging because I am making better food choices and my workouts are increasing in both time and intensity but my body is not budging. Crap.

168.2 (+1)

Have a 15 mile run planned. Running from home to West Seattle to meet Ruth and Gisela at All-Star Fitness.

Did my LSD run -- went from home to Greenlake and then over to Ballard and down 15th. Then I got on the bike trail and ran along the water downtown and over to West Seattle. While I dressed appropriately for North Seattle, I got pretty cold running along the sound and the wind was pretty unpleasant. However the run did not kick my butt too badly as I did some weights at All Star Fitness after my run but did not have time to get in a complete weight training session.

Not sure of the exact distance but I think my run was probably 15+

15+ Mile LSD Run @ 02:32:00

Weight Training

Bench Press 2x12 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x12 @ 25 dumbbells

Overhead Press 2x12 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x12 @ 6 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x12 @ 60 machine

Concentration Curls 1x12, 1x8 @ 20 dumbbells

Assisted Dip 2x12

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Today's bike ride was a bit of an adventure. I rode with Ti Women at 10:00 -- who advertised the ride as -- and I quote directly:

"Ride appx. 3.5-4 hours out to Snohomish and back via Woodinville. Pace: avg 16-17 mph (we will keep an endurance-aerobic pace - no need to toss our cookies in January)."

However, those guidelines were not adhered from the start as we flew up the Burke-Gilman trail at 20-22 miles an hour with a paceline that scattered many disgruntled (rightly so) trail patrons. Then I barely hung on to Snohomish busting my ass to get with the group only to be dropped within minutes. Fortunately, Robin was very kind to ride with me and we paced each other back to the group.

Once we turned around in Snohomish, our Burke Gilman Trail karma came back and kicked our butts as the heavens opened up and we fought a headwind and sidewind and sheets of rain on the way back home. On the way back to Woodinville, a teammate -- Kelly was really beginning to bonk and fell behind. I soft pedaled and stayed with her as the rest of the group took off. We re-grouped in Woodinville and she was really getting shakey. When she turned off pull in to Wendy's and call for the cavalry, I followed her because I was very concerned about her being alone.

I forced coffee into her and we chatted for a bit to be rescued by Ruth. I lost my bike computer but Kelly told me that we rode 42 miles at a 15 average.

42 Mile Bike Ride @ 03:00:00

Friday, January 06, 2006

Another good swim practice and I was not feeling too trashed from yesterday's hard brick.

Swim Practice 2650 @ 01:00:00

Then lifted weights at 24 for lunch. I am done for the day!

Weight Training

Bench Press 2x12 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x12 @ 25 dumbbells

Overhead Press 2x12 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x12 @ 6 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x12 @ 60 machine

Concentration Curls 1x12, 1x10 @ 20 dumbbells

Assisted Dip 2x12

Abductor 2x12 @ 70 lb
Adductor 2x12 @ 80 lb
Hamstring 2x12 @ 55 lb
Leg Press 2x12 @ 130 lb machine

1x 12 center, 2x8 side situp on slanted bench
1x12 center, 2x8 Leg Up on Slanted Bench
Back 2x 12 @ 10 lb plate
Captain's Chair 2x15
Plank 3x 1 min
Side Plank with Rotation 2x .45 seconds

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Today was a hard workout day. Started off the morning with our first swim practice in 2006 accompanied by Duncan and his pull bouy of death. Then off to Spin class where Dina worked us hard on the leg strength -- then bricked it with a 3 mile race pace run on the treadmill.

Swim Practice 2700 @ 01:00:00

Spin Class @ 00:50:00
139a, 159m

3 Mile Race Pace Run @ 00:25:00
160a, 173m

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Went for an aerobic run this morning rather than the scheduled spin/run brick I planned (will do that tomorrow).

We ran from our house, around Greenlake and back up for a 6ish mile run. It took me a while to wake up and I did not feel good until we hit 80th and Roosevelt (perhaps because I knew I was almost home) where I kicked it up a bit.

I am happy to be done with my only workout for the day!

6 Mile Run @ 00:55:00

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Back to work today after a good break. Went for a swim at 24 because swim team practice does not resume until tomorrow morning. Did a very easy short swim.

Swim 1000 @ 00:30:00

Then went to 24 at lunch to lift weights. For the new year, I increased as many weights as I could and was suprised that I could handle the extra resistence. Guess I am not working as hard as I thought I was :)

Weight Training

Bench Press 2x12 @ 50
Chest Flyes 2x12 @ 25 dumbbells

Overhead Press 2x12 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x14 @ 5 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x12 @ 60 machine

Concentration Curls 2x15 @ 20 dumbbells

Assisted Dip 2x12

Abductor 2x12 @ 70 lb
Adductor 2x12 @ 80 lb
Hamstring 2x12 @ 55 lb
2x15 Lunges with 15 lb dumbbells

1x 12 center, 2x8 side situp on slanted bench
1x12 center, 2x8 Leg Up on Slanted Bench
Back 2x 12 @ 5 lb plate
Captain's Chair 2x15
Plank 3x 1 min
Side Plank with Rotation 2x .45 seconds

Monday, January 02, 2006

After a nice leisurely breakfast, we went for my scheduled long run around Lake Union. I then ran home from there for a full 10 miles while Ruth drove back. Kept the pace very very easy and felt good. Did "last mile fast mile" from Roosevelt and 80th to 90th and then to 12th. The distance was not exactly an entire mile but it was a good challenge as it was entirely uphill at the end.

10 Mile Run @ 01:34:00
tempo portion @ 5:18
166a, 173m

Did a 10 mile Time Trial CompuTrainer session tonight with my bike team. It was quite hard especially because my legs were starting to feel the effect of yesterday's ski excursion.

10 Mile Time Trial @ 00:29:44
152a, 161m

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Weekly weigh-in finds me down again slightly after last week's Christmas amnesty. Damn this is going slowly. Hopefully after all the holidays it will get easier.

167.2 (-1 total)

We are headed to Snoqualmie this morning for a day of cross country skiing.