Monday, March 31, 2008

Got in a good lift this morning before core class.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

I had a meeting during lunch so I decided to get in my run after work. I also figured it would give me a bit more time to recover because my legs were still a bit sore from yesterday.

I decide to run from home down and around Greenlake and it was worst hour of the worst day of the worst week of the worst March in forever. My run started with some light rain that got heavier and then offered me false hopes by getting lighter until I hit Aurora. Then it started to rain, then snow then hail. Hard. So hard that the little hail/snow pellets were BOUNCING off my gloves as I ran. Ping pong ping pong. In addition, I almost was hit by a driver who slowly rolled in front of me and I smacked her car and yelled at her to "pay attention". Perhaps I could have been a bit nicer but I was not in the MOOD.

Stupid weather stinking 5.5 Mile Run @ 00:48:45

Sunday, March 30, 2008

I figured that since yesterday's delayed start time made for a great training session that the same would apply to today. I had a 15 mile run on the schedule and decided to run from home to and around Lake Union and back. At the last moment, I changed into my running tights but just wore a long sleeve shirt, running hat and gloves. After a couple of blocks, I wished I had a warmer shirt but decided that I would warm up as I ran and kept on going.

I made it but it was very very very cold -- 36 at SJ&J at 11:30 AM. I did not push the pace this time but was consistent about nutrition.

14.5 Mile Run @ 02:15:00

Met with Cheryl in the afternoon to talk about my Boston progress (on track), RAMROD (nixed) and what else I was going to do this summer (longer bike rides and my first 50k...). Oh, and Comrades is no longer a "wouldn't it be fun" fantasy and is now something I am on track to do in 2009. GULP! I am trying not to freak out too we discussed, Ironman and Boston both seemed like dreams a few years ago too. She did seem to think that training for Comrades could actually fit into my possibly going back to Grad school. I will get a test drive in the next couple of months because I am taking a 6 week GMAT test prep course starting mid-April.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The string of lovely e-mails from Cheryl continued and last night's was a start time move from 8 AM to 10 AM because of the weather forecast. Yippie!

We really lucked out with the weather and got in a nice ride around the South end and the long side of Mercer Island.

39 Mile Ride @ 02:35:00

Friday, March 28, 2008

I had the loveliest e-mail from Cheryl this morning basically telling me to take today off. Unfortunately, I did not see it until after my core class but I was happy to apply it to the rest of the day.

My teammate took a vacation day today so I had to get in some work before core class and missed weights with the intention to do a quick run and weights during lunch, but of course that plan changed after my "orders" :)

Core Class @ 00:30:00

Thursday, March 27, 2008

This morning took a bit of stern self-talking to get my butt out of bed for swim practice but I was glad I went. We focused on backstroke and one of the sets was working on backstroke flip turns. Our lane was pretty crowded (8 to start) and a few times, I had a glimpse of what "water-boarding" must feel like when I attempted to do a turn. Of course, that was still better than the times I just swam smack directly INTO the wall.

I have also developed quite the beautiful green and purple bruise on my elbow from my spill on Monday and feel as though this is the appropriate forum to whine about it....

2150 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

25 Days to BOSTON

Took it easy during spin class and did not wear my HR monitor. My legs were definitely TIRED and even though I created the usual Lake Seujan (eeewwww) on the floor, I did take it easy. Really.

Spin Class @ 00:55:00

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This morning started two minutes behind (how long I stayed in bed past the alarm) and then another 3 minutes behind looking for my badge only to miss the bus and then 15 minutes behind as I waited (just in case I really had not missed it...) and then walked back home to get the car and drive in.

I zipped through my Upper Weights and finished my biceps after Core Class because I could not get it in before.

Upper Weights @ 00:20:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

And at approximately 9:13 AM, my cramps turned ferocious. Not exactly a day to look forward to a 10 x 800 interval workout... But I took myself downstairs with the plan to get in as many as I could. If course, that never works with me because anything short of the goal is complete failure in my stubborn head... I made it through all 10 on the right interval but the last one was quite brutal. Glad to be DONE for the day.

7 Mile Interval Run @ 01:02:00

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My legs were still sore from Saturday's run and my body just felt tired when my alarm went off for swimming. I instead opted for some healing sleep and got in an extra 1:45.

I continued to feel tired during Spin Class and was kinda loopy by the time it was over. I figured some of it was sleep and some of it nutrition -- and possibly some over-training. I had some beef for dinner and that seemed to help a bit.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00

Monday, March 24, 2008

Jon was just plain old CRUEL this morning during core.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

For my run today, I figured out a loop because I am so tired of the out and back's I have been doing from work. I ran up Yesler, and then down to Lake Washington and got back up into the I-90 tunnel and then back to my start. It was a sunny and beautiful but COLD (again) day and I got in a lot of hills. Coming out of the tunnel, in front of a walking audience of three, I tripped over an air pocket and sprawled all over the sidewalk. Fortunately, nothing was shredded except for my dignity and I have a small bruise on my elbow to accompany my tale. I got an ice pack from my gym and iced while stretching.

My time was really slow because of the steep hills and of course I did not have my HR watch so my time is a guess.

6.3 Mile Run @ 01:05:00

Sunday, March 23, 2008

To celebrate Easter, we (Ann, Jeff and me) did our now annual Lake Washington swim at Madison Beach. Let's just say that the amount of time spent getting into swimming gear was disproportionate to the time we actually swam.

We waded in -- a bit smug in our booties and decided to swim past the first dock and then back. Then we went in a bit deeper and the water hit our zippers and we re-visited our goal and decided to swim to the bird (on top of the white marker) and back. Then we put our face and hands into the water and it was pretty much all over from there. There is something very disconcerting about the feeling of a million little icicles piercing one's face and hands. We all turned back and Ann announced that that we may have been in the water for 2 whole minutes. Good enough. After all, the intent was to make this the benchmark for the rest of the open swim season (subsequent swims will never be as bad as Easter...) and I believe we achieved it.

Our recovery breakfast (and Bloody Mary's) was also disproportionate to the amount of calories burned although I do contend that we did burn a lot just trying to keep our vital organs from stopping...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Today's scheduled run was 20-22 miles and I decided to run from Log Boom to Marymoore and back. I also decided to try to keep my pace at a 9 minute mile especially because it was so beautiful out, and the route was flat. I tracked my pace using the mile markers that started after the first 15 minutes of running and I did those 18 at a sub-nine pace. Mostly @ 8:45-8:50 but had the occasional 8:30 and 9:00. I took in more nutrition than usual and I felt good but challenged and quite happy to be done. I am pretty sure I got in 21 miles and will go with that.

21 Mile Run @ 03:10:56

Friday, March 21, 2008

This morning's core class was evil. She started us pretty early on with partner obliques (my least favorite of all)...

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

Went for a run along the water during lunch. The run was fine but I am pretty tired of the cold wind in my ears. I pushed the pace a teeny bit but not too much because of the long run scheduled for tomorrow.

5.5 Mile Run @ 00:49:00

Thursday, March 20, 2008

This morning's swim team practice theme was butterfly. There were not as many swimmers today and the coach acknowledged that it was probably because he had announced that today would be fly day. I had to get into work early so I only swam for 45 minutes.

1850 Swim Practice @ 00:45:00

Spin class was a good steady state kind of workout.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I originally was scheduled to work as a volunteer at the shareholders meeting but received an e-mail thanking me, but rejecting me as they had more volunteers that slots. With the blessing of my boss, I took the day off anyway and am going volunteer at Passages to help them get ready for the auction this weekend.

I got in my run (9 miles at tempo pace) this morning and it sure was a butt kicker. I decided that because I did not have an abundance of time, I would do a triple Greenlake and wrapped my head around that reminding myself that I would run around the track 20 times, so three laps around Greenlake would not be as mind-numbing as anticipated.

I ran from home and the first lap was not easy in the dark (28:20), the second (55:50 mark) was a bit easier because I could see and I cut off the third at Stroud to head up the hill at 80th to finish the tempo portion and get a bit closer to home.

11+ Mile Run (9 at Tempo Pace) @ 01:42:00

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Swim practice this morning was an IM workout. Unfortunately, the two days I swim are either IM or stroke days. I will move things around a bit after Boston to get in some distance work.

2300 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Then around lunch time, I could not shake the headache I was trying to push back, and started to feel tired and on the edge of a cold. I headed home early to work from here and then got on the rollers for a workout. I was happy with the mph I maintained and had a good solid ride.

17.6 Mile Bike Rollers @ 01:00:00

Monday, March 17, 2008

Got in my usual weights and core class this morning.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

I had an aerobic run on the schedule but life got in the way and I just "let it go". Harder than it sounds...

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The weather forecasters did not seem to think it was going to be a good day for a ride but fortunately, the skies held off this morning and we did not get rained on. Rode with the "faster" contingent of Cheryl's group on a 35 mile rout that took us from Gasworks, to and around West Seattle and back via the I-90 bridge. I had a great time with the other riders and ended the ride dirty, sweaty but quite happy.

35 Mile Ride @ 02:23:00

Friday, March 14, 2008

Got in a shorter upper weight session today but the full core class.

Upper Weights @ 00:20:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

Then I decided to get in my shorter long run during lunch and ran from here to Alki Beach and back. I was pretty tired on my way back and colder temperatures combined with the headwind and rain made me pretty cranky. I was hoping to negative split the run but ended up keeping the pace exactly the same. I also did not have any water or nutrition with me... My pace was @ 9 (I checked it a couple of times on the path with the mile markers and both times it was slightly sub-9).

13 Mile Run @ 02:00:00

Thursday, March 13, 2008

My body is adjusting to an earlier wake up time and I was awake 4 minutes before my alarm went off at 4:44. Today's workout was Breastroke :(

2300 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Feeling pretty wiped so I just kept it aerobic during spin class and to reinforce that behavior, I did not wear my HR monitor.

13 Mile Spin Class @ 00:50:00

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Made it to the bus on time this morning :) Had a good lift and core was, as usual an excellent opportunity to realize how much further I have to come with my core strength.

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

This afternoon's run was an interval set and because I cannot get to a track with my current schedule, I did it again on the treadmill. I think that this will just be the only way I do my intervals and I just need to hope it translates to the road. This workout was 9 x .5 miles on the 3:45 with a .1 mile walk/run break in between. This time I did all of them on the faster 7:13 pace interval and number 9 was very very very hard. I really had to just grit right through it. Did a quick .5 mile WU and walked a .5 mile CD.

6 Mile Run @ 00:52:00

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I had to really do some serious self-talk to get my butt out of bed this morning. Initially, I rolled over and re-set the alarm for 6:30 but then I went back and forth until I kicked myself out of bed and headed to swim practice. I was glad I did because there were only two of us in the lane and it was a decent IM workout.

2300 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

Today's spin class was pretty hard. I lost my spot next to the fan and was soaked by the end.

Spin Class @ 00:53:00

Monday, March 10, 2008

I missed my 6 AM bus this morning because I was running late (of course) and I can usually make it up by walking fast but my sore quads would hear nothing of it. I was within 2 blocks of the stop before I saw it speed by.

Caught the next bus in time to make it to Core class. Went for a short easy aerobic run in the afternoon and followed that with a quick upper weight session.

Core Class @ 00:30:00
3.75 Mile Run @ 00:35:00

Upper Weights @ 00:20:00

Sunday, March 09, 2008

My legs are pretty tired and sore today (did not stretch after my long run like I should have) but I did muster enough energy to go to Helen Madison Master's swim practice with Katie. I kept the pace super easy and even my kicking was slow.

2350 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Today's long run plan was 20-22 miles and I am pretty sure I got in at least 22. I did a good job with nutrition the whole time staying on my 10 minute interval but it did not feel nearly as good as my last long run. It may have been mental because the route I chose had me finish at home and that meant my last hour or so was pretty much all the way uphill. That seemed to be what I obsessed about the last 2 hours.

Definitely feeling it in my legs and especially my left foot. Recovering with a decaf soy latte and icepack wrapped around my foot.

22 Mile Run @ 03:30:00

Friday, March 07, 2008

Took the day off to give myself a 3 day birthday weekend and went for a bike ride. The route included Juanita and I did not quite hit the mileage I was supposed to, but it was a good ride with respectable elevation.

27 Mile Bike Ride @ 01:50:00

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Today's swim practice theme was backstroke. Started out well with a nice kick/drill set. Then we hit 6 x 100 pull alternating free and back. After the second, I bumped myself to the back of the line and thought that I was a bit presumptuous to assume I could move up a lane in a month. Definitely feeling it in my shoulders!

2500 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

I had a birthday party at spin class today. Tija, the owner of my favorite gym ever put together a workout for my 41st with some fun music. There were a lot of 41 hard, 4 recovery, or 19 recovery. It was a hard workout and exactly what I wanted (and needed to work off the red velvet cupcakes, yes plural after...).

Spin Class @ 00:50:00

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Woke up at 4:45 AM and got in some work before my 6:00 bus. My biceps and shoulders are a bit sore. Probably from the IM workout the day before but I still got in a good lift. Core class was just brutal. Jon had us on the mats with leg weights and I just do not have the lower core strength/flexibility to keep my legs up and crunch/lift my shoulders and hips for twenty million hours (exaggerating only slightly..).

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core Class @ 00:30:00

Today's run was a 9 mile run, 8 of it at a tempo pace. I had meetings through the morning and was very hungry when I got back to my desk so I gobbled down a Mojo Bar, digested it for half an hour and took off for my run along the water. Because I really do not know the exact distance, I just set a time goal. 5 minute WU, 8 miles at 01:08 (8:30 pace) and 5 minute CD. My HR monitor also did nothing useful for me except give me the time intervals as it kept jumping and skipping around so I had to do perceived exertion and pace. I think I did all right as I pushed it fast enough to be uncomfortable, but not unbearable.

9 Mile Run @ 01:18:00

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I decided last night to commit to Greenlake Masters team for the month of March by writing the check and putting it into my swim bag. I also put myself to bed at 9:00 sharp so when the alarm went off at 4:44, I woke up and said out loud "it's a good morning for a swim". Hey, whatever it takes....

I am so glad I went because the IM workout (400 IM, 4 x 100, 300 IM, 3 x 100, etc.) was good and despite my barely making it to the pool these past couple of months, I was able to keep up with the leader and ended up moving 2nd in line. I think that I may be able to move up to a faster lane by the end of the month.

2650 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Spin class was a "waterfall" workout. 3 x 14 minute sets at 65%, 85% and 75% with 1 minute recovery in between. I brought my HR monitor but forgot the sensor part to the strap so had to do without it. Probably not a bad idea to help me focus on the work rather than the numbers although the numbers do drive the effort.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00

Monday, March 03, 2008

Ended up taking a true rest day yesterday and completely blowing off my 12 mile run. My calendar is fairly meeting free today so I may get in a longer run during lunch depending on how I do with my projects.

Had to catch up with a co-worker a bit this morning before heading to the gym so my upper weight session was a bit shorter.

Upper Weights @ 00:20:00
Core @ 00:30:00

Got in a run during lunch and decided to run out towards West Seattle for 30 minutes and then turn around and come back. Brrrrrr. I was completely under-dressed and wished I had my gloves the moment I stepped out the door! But the run felt good -- nothing like blowing off the long run for the week to feel as though one has fresh strong legs!

7 Mile Run @ 01:00:00

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Today was the first day of Cheryl's half-iron training group. I was asked to help with the group by riding with the fast people but I know the true help was for me -- offering me a bit of a community. The rain held off and we rode from Gasworks to Seward Park and back. I got to catch up and ride with the Karen's and Ann. It was a good ride and fun to get in the drops and get some speed on some of the flat stretches.

32.3 Mile Ride @ 02:20:00