Wednesday, May 17, 2006

At 3:30 this morning, Ruth informed me that she was going to work. She is completely stressed about her event but I was able to convince her to try to go back to sleep.

I got in some upper weights and core at lunch.

Weight Training

Back 3 x 15 @ 10 lb plate
3 x 15 Legs Up Captain's Chair

Overhead Press 2 x 15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder alternate raise side and front 2 x 12 @ 8 dumbbells

Press 1 x 15, 1 x 12 @ 65
Chest Flyes 2 x 15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2 x 15 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2 x 15 @ 75 machine

Concentration Curl 2 x 15 @ 20 dumbbells
Hammer Curl 2 x 12 @ 12 barbell

Kickbacks 2 x 15 @ 10 dumbbells
2 x 15 Assisted Dip @ 125

Tonight I skipped my bike hill workout. Life is just a bit hectic right now and I opted for an oasis of time over dinner with Ruth. I am also now in day three of my sugar and alcohol restriction*. We had dinner with my coach on Sunday and were talking about weight and racing. I have gained 10 lbs since I qualified for Boston and that has had a direct impact on my racing. We also did strength and flexibility tests and while I am stronger overall, I am less flexible :(

Tonight I stretched using my stretch strap. I need a new one -- the one I have is a sash I had from a pair of pants and I tied it into loops. It is just a little short. I can sew so I should be able to figure something out soon. Or I will get more flexible and it will be easier to use :)

*So I have set a new guideline for myself. No alcohol or sugar before noon or after 7 PM-- except for special occasions. That will cut the calories from the soy lattes ( I switched to non-fat) and the non-fat but sugary creamer we put in our coffee in the morning at home. And it cuts into my nightly ice cream. I have stuck to it for 3 days now and I think it is a plan I can live with for a while because I am not completely cutting some of my favorite things out. But I am making a change.

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