Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Quality of sleep was better last night although quantity could have been improved. Got in my AM lift and then core class that included a workout with that little blue ball of misery...

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00
Core @ 00:30:00

Today was also my last hard effort run before Boston -- a 10 x 800 Interval Run. My second in this training plan and I remember when Cheryl and I met and I asked for that on the plan -- only to stare at my plan every day and regret that choice.

But I made it through, even at a higher pace than last week so I know for sure that if I get to the start line and the course is a treadmill with CNN playing, I am going to nail Boston!

6.75 Mile Interval Run Workout @ 01:00:00
10 x 800 @ 7:13 Pace

I also started a stair challenge with my new work BFF (Jason) and we now have a chart on the post between our cubes to track our progress. We work on the 8th floor of our building and so the agreement is that we will walk the stairs once a day from the lobby to the 8th floor. The first person to not do it has to buy the other lunch :) We have been trying to draft others but so far, no takers...

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