Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pele (or one of her 400,000 deity gang) hates my lungs and the "vog" does not help one bit. Last night, I woke up at 11:30 coughing so hard that I threw up. Twice. I was freaking out a bit feeling pretty scared. I walked out into town (no rental car) looking for a store that might be open to see if I could get something to try to help it and ended up paying 2.50 for two servings of Benadryl at a scary gas station.

Today, I went to the drug store and got Musinex for my cough. If it is a fraction as good as the amount of $$ they throw at commercials, then it should do the trick.

I then walked to the community pool (LOVE IT) that has open lap swim from 6:30 AM - 7:30 PM and is FREE. I swam pretty easy and not for too long but at least I feel, between the walking and the little bit of swimming, I am not turning into a complete lump.

1400 Swim @ 00:45:00

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