Sunday, June 22, 2008

Today started with an 8:00 AM conference call that took took a chunk out of my morning. Then I drove to the Mercer Slough to run it 2.5 times to get in my 16 mile run. The idea was that I was to start out with tired legs from yesterday's bike. Mission accomplished. I started out with tired legs and ended with tired legs. I noticed that part of the trail was closed off my first loop keeping me on the road for a bit. I decided to run figure eight's in one side for the rest of the run to keep on the trail.

I argued a lot with myself because I just wanted to quit so many times...but made it through. It would have helped if I had worn a short sleeve shirt rather than the long sleeve one I chose but I was okay comfortable (although soaked) when running on the trail. I am not sure if I did a full 16 miles but I had a comfortable clip going so I guestimated. It may be time to get a Garmin...

Met a friend for a nice recovery soy latte chat and then came home and got my butt kicked once again finishing up some work and then studying. I wonder what it means that I aced critical reasoning but bombed problem solving...

16 Mile Run @ 2:33:41

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