Thursday, July 03, 2008

Last night's thunderstorms did not make Wally happy and he lived behind the toilet for the night. Poor baby. He did curl up with me in the morning and when I left, he was in the corner of the closet. Facing the corner.

Got in a lift before an early AM conference call. I was told by a guy in the gym that I was the topic of conversation -- something about the women in this gym taking on the women in another. They agreed that I would be the one to kick the most butt. It was so weird to hear that -- I still do not think of myself as an athlete but I guess I may stand out a little in a gym with mostly corporate clients. But it did make me a bit puffy chested and I worked extra hard at my weights :)

Upper Weights @ 00:30:00

Had a fantastic run today. Decided I wanted to get in a 1.5 hour run and would run from work to West Seattle and turn around after 45 minutes. The weather was perfect (drizzling a bit) and I felt strong and smooth throughout. I usually just guesstimate my mileage based on a 10 minute mile pace, but I need to stop doing that because I don't run that pace. It felt like more of a 9:15 pace -- and I will go with that. I really need to get a Garmin....Someday.

9.5 Mile Run @ 01:28:20

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