Sunday, August 17, 2008

Took yesterday completely off and Wally and I tried our best to stay cool while studying. Going to see the newest mummy flick later in the afternoon helped to manage my core temperature -- and temperament :)

Today's training run was a 24 miler. I did have the option to take it down to 17 if I do the marathon distance trail run next weekend but I am still not sure if I will do it so I did the 24 today to be safe.

This morning, I picked Jen up at 7:30 and we drove to Duvall to start at a different point on the Snoqualmie trail and get the run in before the worst heat of the day. I took off right away and figured I would run out 12 and back 12. The plan was that Jen would run her distance, recover and then ride out to me on her bike with more water.

The first half was gravy and I was feeling GREAT even though it felt a bit more like swimming than running with the high humidity. It started to get really tough though my last 6 miles and I was almost out of water and really feeling the heat. Fortunately, I got my water refill at that point and Jen kept me company on the bike and let me know my pace.

The last 4 miles, I switched to a 1 minute walk, 9 minute run to make it through the end and my HR kept soaring. She said my pace while running remained strong and I maintained between a 9:15 and 9:30 for most of the end. Definitely slowed down that last mile and kinda lost it a bit at the very end. I was just so tired and wiped. Not sure of my exact distance so I am basing it on a 10 minute pace.

24 Mile Run @ 04:03:00

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW impressive!! let me know if you ever want to come out and run to the pass and back...the trail is near my house. :)
nice job.