Sunday, October 05, 2008

After spending the remainder of yesterday horizontal, icing my knees and popping Ibuprofen, I woke up this morning in time for running group. I had 10 miles on my training plan and the group had 8 so I had to add two at the end. I started out with the fast runners and gasped and limped my way through that first mile trying to keep up. By three miles, I had fallen behind and was running on my own at a much much slower pace but actually felt okay and finished without feeling completely whipped.

10 Mile Run @ 01:45:00

Cheryl took all the coaches out for breakfast at Cafe Flora after and I had a delicious scramble. At one point, Cheryl said that it would be really good for me to take an ice bath for recovery. I disagreed and said it was a terrible idea. But of course, after breakfast, I went to the grocery store to pick up a bag of ice. Any security cameras in the store would have caught a very disgruntled me with the crabbiest look on my face purchasing that ice. When I got home, I ran the cold water and got into the tub. Slowly. Yelping while adding the bag of ice. Even Wally thought it was a very stupid idea and we commiserated together about how unfair the world was. I decided to stay in for 15 minutes or until the ice melted. Whichever was longer. Ended up making it almost 20 and my legs are still cold even though I am wearing my flannel jammie bottoms and am wrapped in a blanket.

A few weeks ago, Jen signed us up for an Intro to Yoga class at Greenlake and today was our first day. It was just a perfect level for me (although Jen said it was the easiest yoga class she had ever taken) and even though the instructor, when trying to get me in to a basic pose said "stop running", I did like it and look forward to the next class!

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

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