Tuesday, October 14, 2008

This morning, I set my alarm for 4:50 so I could be up, drink some coffee and make the 5:23 bus downtown to make it on time for Yoga class. I got to the bus stop at 5:20 and ended up waiting a half an hour for the stupid bus to arrive. I ended up late to class and unsuccessfully tried to practice my relaxation techniques while riding the bus. I did make the last 45 minutes so all was not lost.

Yoga Class @ 00:45:00

I don't have a nice window for getting in my speed run today on my calendar so it may end up being abbreviated. Keeping my fingers crossed for meetings to end early.

The good news is that I now have a new job starting Monday (at my same company) but working with a new team and learning lots of cool new technologies. I am really psyched and know I sure have my work cut out for me!

By the end of the day, I was not feeling well and turned today's speed run into a "better than nothing aerobic run" by running for a bit in the arboretum.

5 Mile Run @ 00:47:00

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