Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Last night I got caught up in a TV movie and ended up staying up past 10 PM. Fortunately, I have a dual alarm so I set the first for 4:30 (to get in a spin before yoga) and the second for 5:30 (just yoga). The moment the 4:30 one went off, I had no issue deciding to turn it off and get in that extra hour! Then the 5:30 went off and I was still craving more sleep but did manage to get vertical and make it to the gym only a couple of minutes late.

It turned out that my tardiness was of no consequence because when I got there, I learned that our instructor was sick and was not teaching class. Instead, I hopped on the bike and got in on of Tri Harder's longer spin workouts and finished tired (in a good way) and soaked :)

15 Mile Spin @ 00:55:00

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