Saturday, May 21, 2005

Ruth and I went for a terrific ride in Monroe with the Cascade Bicycle Club. It was >60 miles and the first half was pretty hilly (with a climb 2 miles in -- ouch). Unfortunately, the ride leader left the maps/cue sheets on the table and because she rode slower than we do, we had little direction. But we were super lucky because kept finding groups of people who knew where they were going. At one point, we were riding with this guy, who reminded me of a bicycling lounge lizard who really liked riding with the ladies :) unfortunately, that meant that he did a lot of speeding ahead and and then soft pedaling (down the middle of the road) when he could engage in conversation.

After lunch, we rode with my favorite ride leaders (Per and Shana Sunde) who were just attending this ride and stayed with us so we did not get lost.

Tomorrow my coach is coming over to go through my training for the next few weeks. Still on the waiting list for the New Balance 1/2 IM with no update despite emailing the organizer last week :( Either way, my life is about to get much harder....

62 Mile Bicycle Ride @ 04:00:00

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