Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Feeling guilty about yesterday's shortened ride. My calendar says to do rollers -- not sure if it meant my indoor or on rolling hills but I chose the former mostly because I was pressed for time. Turned it into a 30 minute tempo bike ride. Averaged 22+ MPH during the tempo portion -- 3 MPH faster than I could average on my tempo rides on my old bike!

13 Mile Bike Ride @ 00:40:00 (5 min WU and CD)
137a 147m 145e

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good, nice HR at AT. You just need to be on the bike now to get used to it. Of course I would prefer as much outside as possible to get used to shifting. You are more than worthy of that bike, you just need to catch up to it and with your skills that will be no time at all. No negative self talk at this time. CM