Saturday, November 19, 2005

Did the 108 mile El Tour in Tucson today. Because of the rain, we did not get a chance to train much for it and the longest I rode in the last few months at one time was 50 miles. I went into it thinking that I wanted to make it in 7 hours and get the gold medal. But after my first pit stop, I re-examined my priorities and decided that I would rather ride with Ruth and have a good time rather than work super hard for something that I was not able to train for -- and take a long time to recover from.

So we had a terrific ride and met up with a friend of ours during the last 20 some miles who was really struggling with leg cramps and rode in easy with her to the end. It was a perfect ending and I finished feeling strong and completely comfortable (except for the entire "forgetting to apply chamois butter" part...).

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