Friday, January 20, 2006

This morning I decided to sleep in rather than go to swim practice. I was not feeling particularly tired, just really cranky and tired of running around as we have had something going on every night this week. I had a nice leisurely cup of coffee before heading into work in a far better mood than when I went to bed.

I left the comfort of the treadmill and Law & Order re-runs and took my tempo run outside today as my coach said I needed to include hills. Did my usual 6ish mile loop with a 1 mile-ish WU and CD. My distances are not exact as I have not mapped them and part of the run goes through the Mercer Slough. My WU is longer than my CD as I had to split the run into sections that worked with the intersections.

6 Mile Run @ 00:49:39 (4 Miles Tempo/Race Pace)

WU @ 00:11:46
135a 171m 125e

Tempo/Race Pace @ 00:34:47
159a 175m 168e

CD @ 00:03:05
147a 169m 143e


Lifted after work but did not do legs.

Weight Training

3 x 1:00 Plank (5 sec one leg up, 5 sec both down, 5 sec other leg up)
1 x :45 Plank with Rotation each side
2x15 Captain's Chair
2x12 Ab Crunch Machine @ 15 lb
Back 2x 15 @ 10 lb plate

Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x14 @ 8 dumbbells

Bench Press 1x15, 1x12 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x15 @ 75 machine
Assisted Pull ups 1x8, 1x6 @ 125 machine

Concentration Curls 1x13, 1x12 @ 20 dumbbells

Assisted Dips 2x15 @ 125 machine

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