Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Nice aerobic run this morning in believe and the Slough even though my HR did not agree. Exact distance is a guess but I figured I was running about a 9 pace.

6.75 Mile Aerobic Run @ 01:01:00


I have been cheating. I kind of knew it but I chose to ignore the signs. But today I am a reformed athlete and will no longer SPEED THROUGH MY WEIGHT TRAINING. From now on, I will lift slowly and breathe through the sets rather than rush. This renewed commitment to slowing down offered me the opportunity to learn in which areas I had been cheating myself the worst. The losers are bench press and biceps!

I had a very good workout though and my trembling muscles thank me.

Weight Training

1x15 front, 1x5 each side, 1x10 front Slanted Bench Sit Up
1x 1 Min Plank with Rotation each side
3 x 1 Min Plank
Back 3x15 @ 10 lb plate
3x15 Captain's Chair

Overhead Press 2x15 @ 22.5 dumbbells
Shoulder raise side and front 2x14 @ 8 dumbbells

Bench Press 1x12, 1x10 @ 60
Chest Flyes 2x15 @ 30 dumbbells

Seated Row 2x12 @ 75 machine
Lat Pull Down 2x15 @ 60 machine

Assisted Dips 2x15 @ 125 machine

Concentration Curls 2x10 @ 20 dumbbells

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