Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Got to swim with Duncan today -- pushed myself quite a bit more trying to keep up with him initially, and that turned into not letting him lap me -- and then that turned into not letting him lap me before I hit the flags. He did 300's to my 250's and 250's to my 200's. Despite the declining dignity, I had a terrific swim, got in more mileage and need to swim with him more.

2650 Swim @ 00:55:00

We had a late afternoon appointment to sign all the condo papers. whew. I had a tempo bike workout on my schedule and opted to just do it on the rollers because I needed things to be simple and easy. I lost the lap information so no HR but it hovered between 128-132 during the tempo portion. That does not seem high but I could not get it up higher than that.

19 Mile Tempo Bike @ 01:00:00

10 Minute WU
45 Minute Tempo @ 19-20 mph pace
5 Minute CD

Then I did a quick home core and weight session.

Weight Training

5 x 15 Plank (front and side)
3 x 15 Back on Ball
5 x 15 Crunch on Ball (front and side)

2 x 12, 1 x 8 Bicep Curls @ 16 lb weights

3 x 15 Tricep Extensions (behind head)

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