Monday, November 06, 2006

Slept poorly again last night and was awake early enough to make the 6AM spin class in Bellevue. It was good because I missed the traffic and the spin instructor, April was actually good and I enjoyed the workout.

There was a line for the shower so I turned around and got in my weenie weigh workout.

Spin Class @00:55:53
132a, 149m

3 x 12 Lat Pull Down (to top of head) @ 75 machine
3 x 12 Row @ 75 machine
3 x 12 Tricep Push Down @ 40 Machine
3 x 12 Bicep @ 17.5 dumbbell

Then I got in a good tempo run at lunch. I was not at all interested in running one more day in the rain and I did it on the treadmill. I even set the incline to -1% to try to simulate the marathon.

Tempo Run @ 00:54:12
.75 WU @ 07:33

5 Mile Tempo @ 42:19
150a, 155m

.25 Walk CD @ 04:20

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