Sunday, November 19, 2006

We looked up Jeff's results this morning from the Tour de Tucson and were so happy to see that he ROCKED the 109 mile ride with a 7:50 finish (14 mph) . Congrats Jeff! Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

This morning, Ruth drove me to Marymoore and dropped me off in the steady rain to run 20 miles back to town. It was a pretty miserable run because the rain never let up but I made it through and finished strong. I did middle and last fast -- and made myself get in my nutrition on a regular schedule. At one point, I was having a tough time mentally and started my mantra "I am a runner, mighty mighty runner...." but that turned very quickly into "I am a swimmer..." and made me giggle. I was so wet that my fingertips were actually wrinkled!

20.5+ Mile Run @ 03:12:00
Attitude = 8 Performance = 9
140a, 192m

1st half @ 01:30:00
134a, 152m

Middle fast @ 00:10:04
149a, 159m

2nd Half @ 01:19:54
140a, 154m

Last fast @ 00:10:07
173a, 192m

CD @ 00:01:48
I made my goal of getting in two bikes and swims this week but did not get in two weight sessions.

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