Friday, March 16, 2007

Okay, my rhythm is not offically completely back. Skipped swim practice this morning and packed my bag for a run either at lunch or after work. But ended up doing neither. Not because I was terribly busy -- but because I was terribly sad. The last time I skipped workouts not either tapering or recovering was when my long term relationship ended in 2004. I have been with my company for 6.5 years and my team has been my family. I have grown a lot and when joining the company, I was 200+ lbs and almost entirely sedentary. They have seen me through a lot of changes and growth and it hit me hard on Friday that things were going to be different. This is the only job I have had where I actually miss people when I am out on vacation.

There are many new wonderful connections awaiting me at Starbucks in addition to the growth opportunities I am seeking so it is the right decision.

I did manage to get some core in this morning though..

3 x 1 min Plank
2 x 12 SuperGirl

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