Monday, April 02, 2007

Got in an early morning roller workout. I was planning to do a 20 minute tempo, 5 minute recovery and 20 minute temp ride as my workout but after 5 minutes at a harder pace, I changed it to 7 x 5 minute intervals with 1 minute recovery.

Roller Workout @ 01:0:00

Lap 1
135a, 140m

Lap 2
141a, 150m

Lap 3
141a, 151m

Lap 4
144a, 153m

Lap 5
144a, 155m

Lap 6
146a, 154m

Lap 7
148a, 158m

Was planning a run around Lake Union after work but I struggled way too long with traffic and was too tired so I just did one lap around Greenlake.

Aerobic Run @ 00:28:36
149a, 188m

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