Monday, May 07, 2007

Today is the start of my transition to my night hours of work. For the rest of the month, I will be working until midnight on Monday nights so I get to go into the office a bit later. I planned my long run around this and slept in until 7:00 and after half a bagel and a few sips of coffee, I headed out the door to Greenlake, around Lake Union and then back home again.

I did focus hard on my nutrition and set my watch to eat or drink every 15 minutes. It was just a beautiful morning and I kept my pace slow and steady. I forgot to actually turn on my watch until I hit Greenlake so my total time is a bit of a guess.

15 Mile Run @ 02:25:00

Nutrition = 10
Attitude = 9
Performance = 8


At the (almost) last moment, I realized I only had 30 minutes until the gym closed so I dashed upstairs to get in my lift. And just in time because they were closing around me.


3 x 15 Pull Down @ 65
3 x 15 Row @ 67.5
3 x 12 Triceps @ 40
3 x 15 Biceps @ 12

5 x 15 Crunch on Ball
3 x 12 Back on Ball

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