Sunday, April 20, 2008

Boston Marathon 2008 Race Plan

This morning, I got to watch 161 amazing athletes run right in front of me as they raced to qualify for the Olympics. I plan to head out @ 11:00 to see them finish. WOW!

Race Eve (Today)
Walk short distances and rest often. Eat a good breakfast, light lunch and early dinner. Put out all race clothing and prepare bags. Stretch. Be in bed no later than 9:00 PM.

Pre-Race Morning
My bus to Hopkinton leaves between 6:45 and 7:30 AM. Starbucks opens at working backwards, I will set my alarm for 5:45 and stretch lightly. Be at Starbucks door by 6:20 and get my usual triple tall soy latte. Eat 1/2 to 3/4 of a bagel slowly and then half a banana at @ 9:45. Bring a paper to read. Set watch for 8:45 intervals.

Stay calm in the village and find a place to hang out that is peaceful and not directly in the wind. Sit on my race bag (I have two) and bring blankets in case I need the extra insulation. Get psyched! No regrets about anything I could have/should have done. I have hit all my training spot on and can do this.

Race Start
Pay attention to the announcements and the timing and don't rush to runner corrals. This is chip timed so there is no need to get caught up in the madness. Decide whether or not to keep the long sleeve shirt (will probably run in shorts, short sleeve shirt and gloves).

1st 10 Miles
Keep the pace EASY but don't brake when running downhill. Let my legs turn-over easy and plan to be 1 minute behind my pace by the mile 10 marker (01:28:40). This is my warm-up. Don't worry about eating or drinking the first half hour but after than, start to alternate sips of water (gel blocks) with gaterade at the aid stations.

10-16 Miles
Use the rollers to focus on form up and down hills. Hit the Half Marathon mark @ (01:56:00). enjoy Wellesley! Mile 16 is the first opportunity (of three inclines) to warm up my climbing muscles for heartbreak hill. Lean forward and keep turnover light and at a good clip.

16-21 Miles
This is where living in Seattle on the top of a hill will pay off. Keep up form and nutrition and stay on pace. Yes, it is going to hurt but I am running the freaking BOSTON MARATHON! I am doing something I never believed to be possible 5 years ago and this is my SECOND time. Check to be sure I am on pace after Heartbreak Hill.

21 Miles to Finish
Everything that can hurt probably will. My legs, feet, back, etc will want to quit but my mind won't let them. There will be crowds and draw the energy from them. Every time someone says "you are almost there" use it as a cue to take in a deep belly breathe. Smile at the finish line REGARDLESS of the finishing time and let the volunteers take care of me without resisting. They are trained to do that and I need to accept the support because I doing this solo. Eat and drink and pick up race clothing bag.

Post Race
Walk easy back to the hotel and enjoy that feeling of being drained, in pain mixed with sweet triumph. Don't sit down (may be hours before I can get up again) but fill the tub with cold water and sit in it for as long as I can stand. Take drugs and rest while massaging quads. Then off to my dirty martini and fried cheese victory dinner! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a GREAT plan. You are amazing and you will do amazing things! Remember your plan and enjoy...
we'll be thinking of you.....