Saturday, May 10, 2008

I got in a great ride today. We all met at Log Boom and Mike, Marilyn, Karen and I took off the front for a nice ride to Snohomish. The weather cooperated (mostly) and Mike and I rode together most the ride. it was great at first and we got in some terrific speeds as I chased him in his aero bars. It was just fantastic to feel good because I have not for so many weeks.

Then around 35-40 miles, I started to lose it and wondered where the rest of my gears were because surely I had more...I threw nuun, a powerbar, water etc at my legs but they would not be appeased and offer me any of the speed I had at the beginning of the ride.

It ended well and pretty much a perfect Saturday morning!

54 mile Bike Ride @ 03:25:00

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