Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Today, I am starting to feel a bit more like ME. I made it to swim practice this morning by telling myself that I would take it easy and remember this was my recovery week. That worked until I actually got into the pool and there were way too many people in my lane and only one in the faster next one up. I went over, again with a plan to cut out 50's here and there when needed.

Of course, I did not take into account my pride/personality/whatever and did my best to hang in there with the "big kids" through a completely ass kicking distance workout. One set was supposedly a set that increased by 100 each time but because I got no rest, it turned out to be a straight up 1500 swim. Not entirely pleasant for me as I have not been swimming in 2 weeks but I made it through.

2700 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Jon also continued the pain during core class this morning.

Core Class @ 00:30:00

I had a really tough time talking myself into a run but I lucked out because Katie agreed to run with me after work. We met at her place for a quick spin around Greenlake and I was definitely sucking wind and feeling tired! Didn't time it so 30 minutes is an approximation. I had a great evening though after and soaked in the tub drinking my cheap wine while Wally supervised and tried to drink all the bath water...

3.2 Mile Aerobic Run @ 00:30:00

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