Thursday, October 02, 2008

This morning, I woke up at 5 o'dark and drove to Sandpoint and 70th to get in my hill run workout. The workout should really be called Hideous Hill Workout because I am not allowed to run just any hills. Oh no, Cheryl was quite happy to be clear that the hills were to be quite horrible in both incline and distance and none of my former hilly run routes would qualify.

So I warmed up just 5 blocks and ran up 65th and then kinda ambled around that neighborhood in the dark until I found my way to 70th and back down to where my car was. Then I ran back up 70th all the way to 35th and then back down to my car. I don't think I ran the 6 miles prescribed but I did do both of the terrible hills so I am considering it good for today.

5ish Mile Hideous Hill Run @00:55:00

I was pretty whipped going into spin class so I took it easy and probably only worked off 1/4 of the red velvet cupcake Tija brought in to say good-bye to the last us.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00

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