Saturday, November 15, 2008

Went to Marymoor again to run the Lake Sammamish trail for my 20 mile run. I worked on nutrition this time and packed myself a spam sandwich to eat. I managed to choke down one half of it but the spam burps were just a bit too much :(. I also had a craving for a coke so I ran across the street to the 7-11 and emptied my accelorade bottle (I had made it too weak by accident and it tasted terrible) and filled it with coke. Of course it was a bad thinking error because running only carbonated the coke more and I ended up wearing more it than drinking. Oh and coke and spam burps...not at all good.

I definitely took my time with this run and meandered a bit. Day 1 of my hell weekend DONE. Got to hang with Amy after and we went to a restaurant in Bellevue that served huge portions!

20 Mile Run @ 03:50:00

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