Sunday, May 03, 2009

Jeff and I met this morning at 7 AM at Gasworks for our 90 mile ride. We got separated at Lake Washington Blvd but he said in the beginning he was fine with finding his own route if needed. Jeff, I hope you had a good ride!

I felt terrific the first couple of hours and was very happy with my route (S end of Lake Washington, through Factoria and around Lake Sammamish to Marymoor, down the trail and then over Juanita, back through Bellevue, over 90 and back to the car).

When I hit Bellevue, I did and out and back on that road thinking I might connect with Jeff again but even though I did not find him, I was rewarded with some more time in the aerobars on a friendly road.

I tried to find the route Ann had taken us on before the long side of Sammamish but ended up riding the road that I hated (and Ruth loved) to Cougar Mountain. But that extra climbing out and back was good for me. I did manage then to find the route and go through that lovely bike path. I think I now have it memorized.

I ate a bar at Marymoor and was still feeling good and made it over Juanita fine, although I had a VERY wet and cold ride down :( By the time I hit Bellevue (75 miles in), I realized I was bonking both physically and mentally so I made the decision to go to Burger Master and ate a veggie burger before finishing my ride. Great call! Better call will be to get better nutrition for the bike. On my "to do" list this week.

I got in some extra credit miles because the Montlake Bridge was closed. Up to mile 75, I had maintained 15mph average speed but it fell after that :(

96 Mile Ride @ 06:37:00

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