Saturday, July 11, 2009

I started to rally a bit last night and thought that maybe I would do the Cougar Mountain Trail Run anyway. I left the final call for the morning and decided to go for it. It was a beautiful day and I was pretty psyched about the run!

The route was different than last year, .2 miles shorter and I hoped to at least finish in under 2 hours. It was a great workout and definitely kicked my butt! I was strong on the flats and ascents but let a lot of people pass me on the steep descents because I was so slow :(

I checked my results from last year and I was 4 minutes slower on a .2 mile shorter course. A bit of a bummer but I have barely focused on speedwork or hills AND it was a different route so I need to just let it go.

10.2 Mile Trail Run @ 02:00:00

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