Sunday, May 02, 2010

Despite a bit of a dehydration headache this morning from some of the choices I made last night, I had a great run this morning. I staged from Leshi and planned a route along the lake. I mapped out the last 2ish miles for my tempo pace. I must pause here to protest. Since when are the tempo miles at the END of the run? I distinctly remember having the freedom to determine at which point in the run I would do them. Putting them at the end is just MEAN. I am talking to YOU Cheryl.

11:45 Mile Run @ 01:42:00 (8:54 Pace)
Last 2.44 miles @ 00:18:47 (7:41 Pace)

Went to Yoga this afternoon and even managed to talk Katie into joining me. It felt super super good!

Yoga Class @ 01:15:00

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA! Who wants to meet their goal? :)))