Thursday, August 25, 2005

Had a butt-kicking in swim practice this morning. Emily had us do a workout that was a 4x (75, 100 and 125) all on the same interval. The idea was that the 125 was really pushing it and the 75 was then the recovery. I made each interval on the 1:50 -- and then she challenged me to do my last 125 on the 1:45. I was 2 seconds off with a 1:47 but felt really good.

Could not brick it because I had an 8:30AM London training so my bike will be after work.

Swim Practice 2750 @ 01:00:00

Rode around the South end of the lake after work. Just took it really slow and easy -- felt tired throughout.

Bike Ride 30 Miles @ 02:00:00

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