Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Terrific swim workout his morning! I swam with Sarah and she kept us right on pace. The best part of the swim was the set of 2x(3x100's) she had us do on a 2:00 interval so we got plenty of rest -- but had to push it.

I did the first set on 1:27-1:28 and hit the second set on 1:25's. We usually do these on the 1:35-1:40 interval so I was psyched! Working on extending my arms and not breathing right off the wall.

Swim Practice 2750 @ 01:00:00

Planned to do a ride after work with Ruth but I just did not feel up to it -- been sneezing a lot and feeling a bit burned out. So I curled up on the couch with the new Harry Potter book while Ruth went on her ride solo. Of course that was the evening for her to have flatted twice and our phone carrier to mysteriously not accept any incoming calls from her. Fortunately, Katie came to her rescue and brought her home.

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