Saturday, October 01, 2005

Went on the Aurora Cycling Club "Meet the Team" ride this morning. It was good because the Aurora and Ti cycles teams are merging this year and I got to meet a few members from the Ti team. I went into the ride not knowing if I would continue with the team this year as I have never actually raced in the two years I have been a member of the team. With the new merger, there are racing requirements -- have to race 5 times. Yikes! But now I am pretty psyched about being on the team. The racing requirements will make me butch up and just give it a try. They are also having weekly computrainer sessions so that will be really good for me. Plus the final deciding factor -- the new Ti Cycles jerseys match my bike exactly -- red, black, gray and white. :)

The ride was an easy social pace. Because of the rain, I hauled out my old Rodriguez steel bike and and put fenders on it. I was slightly worried about not being able to keep up with everyone on that bike but was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was for me. I have come a long way.

28 Mile Aerobic Bike Ride @ 02:00:00

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