Thursday, May 25, 2006

I kicked ass in swim practice all by myself! I got to swim in my own lane and descended a set of 2 x 200's (3:10, 3:08, 3:05 and 3:00). Each 200 had a 50 recovery that I did as EZ backstroke.

So I guess last night was not a complete disaster after all...

2600 Swim Practice @ 00:55:00

Did my Bike Intervals on the rollers -- whew it was a workout!

After messing around a bit with my new HR monitor, I was able to download the splits and HR -- and export them to Excel. I accidentally rode an extra half mile during interval 7.

16 Mile Bike Interval Workout @ 01:01:00


5 x 1 Min Planks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are still stretching and taking a break when you need it. No reason to feel guilty when you are really tired because it will just make you stronger, now if you ever become a slacker, just know I will be on your back. CM