Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What a beautiful morning for a bike ride! Rode the Hindenburg to work today. Legs feeling a bit tired but spirits were high :)

17 Mile Bike Commute to Work @ 01:18:00
117a, 148m

I extended my ride home by taking the south end of the lake route. It was a fairly flat and a very pleasant ride. I cheated at the end by having Ruth scoop me at Gasworks.

25 Mile Bike Commute from Work @ 02:00:00

Stretched at Gasworks while waiting for Ruth and then stretched again at home with the stretch strap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that your bike looks nothing like the visions I have of anything named "Hindenburg"... but that it has a name makes me feel like none of my bikes are "special" anymore.