Saturday, August 12, 2006

Today was my last long ride before Ironman :) We decided to keep it fairly local and rode from U Village across Mercer Island (long way), then to Lake Samamish via Redmond and in Issaquah, we climbed Tiger to get in some extra miles. Ended with the trail all the way back to the car and bricked it for 12 minutes.

It was a really good ride with beautiful weather and a fun new riding companion -- Tatyana who joined us at Leschi and is training for the Grand Columbian Ironman. Yikes!

Ruth DUSTED me on Tiger and I tried so hard to keep up but she shot ahead of me like she had a rocket under her seat. Later, she told me that she heard me breathing hard on her wheel and decided to claim her mountain. And she did -- my HR was 170 and I was seeing spots trying to keep up with her. Ruth also announced that SHE was looking forward to Ironman being over as it was killing her :o

I got a side stitch during the run and had to walk for a bit before I could run again.

104 Mile Bike @ 06:53:00

1.2 Mile Run @ 00:12:00

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