Saturday, January 20, 2007

This morning, Ruth got up early for her long run and I very happily stayed in bed :) We then went to West Seattle to see the kid's first basketball game and then swooped through REI and finally Gregg's to look at commuter bags.

When we finally got home, we ate a late lunch and I was toying with the idea of not doing a damn thing. It was, after-all 2:00 PM and inertia had overcome me. I made the mistake of checking my mail and there was the following quick note from Cheryl:

"Just checking to see what you are doing this weekend? For a run my suggestion is a 14 mi and a 35-40 mile bike."

I hopped on my bike immediately (the fastest I had moved all day...) and rode from our house up the trail to do a North loop of the lake. Of course, I had ignored Ruth's suggestions to wear a jacket and was at times a bit too cold. I ended up losing light and called Ruth to scoop me at UW but still managed to get in a good ride--it is nice to know that I can bang out a 40 mile bike without too much issue.

39.5 Mile Bike @ 02:42:00

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