Saturday, July 21, 2007

Yesterday was my "Saturday" and I decided to sleep in instead of going to the lake for a swim. With my new schedule, I don't get real sleep in day anymore. I planned to go for an aerobic ride once the rain stopped and maybe a swim at Coleman pool at noon. The rain continued and I finally just made peace with being a big ole couch potato.

Instead of braving the rain today, I did the long ride on the rollers. My plan was a 10 mile WU, 15 mile Time Trial, 10 Minute Recovery, 15 Mile Time Trial, 10 Mile Recovery. I sure do hope that the miles on rollers really are two for one because I could not make past 51 miles. It is also humbling to ride those damn rollers because I can barely manage 15 mph working my butt off on them. In the beginning, I was really worried because if felt super hard but then realized that the magnet had slipped and I was riding with some resistance. Someday I hope to be able to be strong enough to handle that resistance but for now, "0" is enough...

51 Mile Ride @ 03:45:00
137a, 159m

1st 15 Mile Time Trial @ 00:58:14
145a, 156m

2nd 15 Mile Time Trial @ 00:59:36
146a, 159m

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