Monday, March 03, 2008

Ended up taking a true rest day yesterday and completely blowing off my 12 mile run. My calendar is fairly meeting free today so I may get in a longer run during lunch depending on how I do with my projects.

Had to catch up with a co-worker a bit this morning before heading to the gym so my upper weight session was a bit shorter.

Upper Weights @ 00:20:00
Core @ 00:30:00

Got in a run during lunch and decided to run out towards West Seattle for 30 minutes and then turn around and come back. Brrrrrr. I was completely under-dressed and wished I had my gloves the moment I stepped out the door! But the run felt good -- nothing like blowing off the long run for the week to feel as though one has fresh strong legs!

7 Mile Run @ 01:00:00

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