Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I decided last night to commit to Greenlake Masters team for the month of March by writing the check and putting it into my swim bag. I also put myself to bed at 9:00 sharp so when the alarm went off at 4:44, I woke up and said out loud "it's a good morning for a swim". Hey, whatever it takes....

I am so glad I went because the IM workout (400 IM, 4 x 100, 300 IM, 3 x 100, etc.) was good and despite my barely making it to the pool these past couple of months, I was able to keep up with the leader and ended up moving 2nd in line. I think that I may be able to move up to a faster lane by the end of the month.

2650 Swim Practice @ 01:00:00

Spin class was a "waterfall" workout. 3 x 14 minute sets at 65%, 85% and 75% with 1 minute recovery in between. I brought my HR monitor but forgot the sensor part to the strap so had to do without it. Probably not a bad idea to help me focus on the work rather than the numbers although the numbers do drive the effort.

Spin Class @ 00:50:00

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