Sunday, January 04, 2009

I decided to get in an 8 mile run today to prepare for next week's Bridle Trail 10 miler. I woke up this morning with pain in my right IT Band and was quite surprised by it. I cannot imagine that I did anything to provoke it and it just seems so out of the blue. I stretched before running, after running and am still continuing to stretch but it is pretty painful. Ugh. My run was fine but my legs were a bit tired so my pace was pretty slow. I ended up running 9 miles because the route I planned did not work as well on the map.

9 Mile Run @ 01:32:00

I also decided it was time to take the "on sabbatical" part off my blog title because I am already starting to get ready for Ironman Coeur d'Alene 2009 although I have not yet met with Cheryl to get my official marching orders...

1 comment:

Anonymous said... are out of sabbatical!! Welcome back! I meet with Cheryl on Wed this week. hopefully our plans can interact. Can't wait to work out with you again. GO GO really needs to go away!