Thursday, July 16, 2009

Had a super packed day at work but managed to escape in time to get in a decent ride. It took me a while to get there though because I had to take the shuttle from work to downtown, then the bus to Capital Hill to pick up my car (with bike in it) to Ruth's. From there, I drove to Madrona and parked to get in my bike ride. How many vehicles does it take to get in a decent bike ride around the South end of the lake on a Thursday? Apparently 3 :)

I also got a bit of a gift on the ride and got dropped partway in by a guy who was cruising a little faster than I. Normally, I would just get all zen (read lazy) about it and stick to my speed. This time, I decided to chase him and kept him in my sights until he turned off. That gave me a baseline for the speed I needed to maintain (18-21 on flats) and I worked super hard to push myself. Pretty proud of my unintentional tempo ride.

26.11 Mile Ride @ 01:36:39 (16.3)

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